1 Notify_bulksms
Chris Caron edited this page 2022-10-07 23:37:16 -04:00


  • Source: https://bulksms.com
  • Icon Support: No
  • Message Format: Text
  • Message Limit: 160 Characters per message

Account Setup

Sign up for BulkSMS from here. You will be provided to create a user and password to associate with your account. This is all you need to use this through Apprise.


Valid syntax is as follows:

  • bulksms://{user}:{password}@{target}

A target can be either a phone number, or if prefixed with @ it becomes a group.

  • bulksms://{user}:{password}@{phoneNo}
  • bulksms://{user}:{password}@{phoneNo1}/{phoneNo2}/{phoneNoN}
  • bulksms://{user}:{password}@{group}
  • bulksms://{user}:{password}@{group1}/@{group2}/@{groupN}

You can mix and match as well

  • bulksms://{user}:{password}@{to_phone1}/@{group1}

For ambiguity, if you do not provide a valid phone number, and the information parsed does not exclusively have a@ in front of it, then it is first interpreted as phone number. However if alphanumeric characters are detected in it, then it is switched to a group.

Parameter Breakdown

Variable Required Description
user Yes The username associated with your BulkSMS Account.
password Yes The password associated with your BulkSMS Account.
to *No A phone number and/or group you wish to send your notification to. You can use comma's to separate multiple entries if you wish. This is an alias to targets.
from *No Specify the phone number you registered with BulkSMS you wish the message to be identified as being sent from.
batch No Send multiple specified notifications in a single batch (1 upstream post to the end server). By default this is set to no.
route No Can be set to either ECONOMY, STANDARD, or PREMIUM (not case sensitive). If not otherwise provided, this assumes to be STANDARD by default.
unicode No Optionally tell Apprise to not mark your text message as having unicode characters in it. The message mode changes to TEXT if this is set to No


Send a BulkSMS Message:

# Assuming our {user} is joe
# Assuming our {password} is hard-to-guess
# Assuming the {PhoneNo} we wish to notify is +134-555-1223
apprise -vv -t "Test Message Title" -b "Test Message Body" \