24 Notify_telegram
Chris Caron edited this page 2024-04-10 21:25:37 -04:00

Telegram Notifications

  • Source: https://telegram.org/
  • Icon Support: Yes
  • Attachment Support: Yes
  • Message Format: Text
  • Message Limit: 4096 Characters per message

Account Setup

Telegram is slightly more complicated then some of the other notification services, so here is quick breakdown of what you need to know and do in order to send Notifications through it using this tool.

At the very start (if you don't have an account already), you will need to connect with a phone. The site uses your phone number as it's credential to let you into your account. So download and install the phone app first via Android or Apple.

Once you're set up, it can be a bit easier to just use their web interface here with a PC (especially for development); but this part is up to you.

Bot Setup

Telegram notifications require you to create a bot. It's only after this is done that you will gain a vital piece of information Apprise needs called the Token Identifier (or bot_token).

To do this you will have to open a communication (inside Telegram) to the BotFather. He is available to all users signed up to the platform. Once you've got a dialog box open to him:

  1. Type: /newbot
  2. Answer the questions it asks after doing this (which get the name of it, etc).
  3. When you've completed step 2, you will be provided a bot_token that looks something like this: 123456789:alphanumeric_characters.
  4. Type /start now in the same dialog box to enable and instantiate your brand new bot.

The good news is this process only has to be done once. Once you get your bot_token, hold on to it and no longer worry about having to repeat this process again. It's through this bot that Apprise is able to send notifications onto Telegram to different users.

Chat ID Conundrum

2021.12.23 Update: Recently the developers of Telegram have made it easier to acquire this ID using their own built in tool explained here. Thank you @mattpackwood for this tip!

Behind the scenes, Telegram notifies users by their {chat_id} and not their easy-to-remember user name. Unfortunately (at this time) Telegram doesn't make it intuitive to get this {chat_id} without simple tricks and workarounds that can be found through Googling or just simply talking to their support team.

However, Apprise can make this task a bit easier if the intention is to just private message yourself. If this is the case, simply send a private message to this new bot you just created (above). That's it!

By doing this, Apprise is able to automatically to detect your {chat_id} from the message sent to the bot.

  • tgram://{bot_token}/

When using the short form of the Telegram/Apprise URL and the bot owner (probably you) is successfully detected, the {chat_id} it detected will appear in the logs after the notification is sent. Note that the Telegram API keeps incoming messages for 24 hours only. Thus, you should update your Apprise URL to explicitly reference this in the future.

  • tgram://{bot_token}/{chat_id}

Note: you can also just go ahead and acquire the {chat_id} yourself after first messaging yourself as per the instructions above. Afterwards, you just need to visit https://api.telegram.org/bot{bot_token}/getUpdates.

  • Note: the keyword bot must sit in-front of the actual {bot_token} that you were given by the BotFather.
  • The result will contain the message you sent; in addition to this there is a section entitled chat with the id identified here. This is the {chat_id} you can use to directly message using Apprise.


The following syntax is valid:

  • tgram://{bot_token}/

    • Note: As already identified above: Apprise is clever enough to determine the chat_id of the bot owner (you) only if you've sent it at least 1 private message to it first.
  • tgram://{bot_token}/{chat_id}/

  • tgram://{bot_token}/{chat_id1}/{chat_id2}/{chat_id3}/

  • tgram://{bot_token}/{chat_id}:{topic}/

  • tgram://{bot_token}/{chat_id1}:topic1}/{chat_id2}:{topic2}/{chat_id3}:{topic3}/

If you want to see the icon/image associated with the notification, you can have it come through by adding a ?image=yes to your URL string like so:

  • tgram://{bot_token}/?image=Yes
  • tgram://{bot_token}/{chat_id}/?image=Yes
  • tgram://{bot_token}/{chat_id1}/{chat_id2}/{chat_id3}/?image=Yes

Parameter Breakdown

Variable Required Description
bot_token Yes The token that identifies the bot you created through the BotFather
chat_id Yes Identify the users you want your bot to deliver your notifications to. You must specify at least 1 chat_id. If you do not specify a chat_id, the notification script will attempt to detect the bot owner's (you) chat_id and use that.
image No You can optionally append the argument of ?image=Yes to the end of your URL to have a Telegram message generated before the actual notice which uploads the image associated with it. Due to the services limitations, Telegram doesn't allow you to post an image inline with a text message. But you can send a message that just contains an image. If this flag is set to true, apprise will send an image notification followed by the notice itself. Since receiving 2 messages for every 1 notice could be annoying to some, this has been made an option that defaults to being disabled.
format No The default value of this is text. But if you plan on managing the format yourself, you can optionally set this to markdown or html as well.
silent No A yes/no flag allowing you to send the notification in a silent fashion. By default this is set to no.
preview No A yes/no flag allowing you to display webpage previews of your post. By default this is set to no.
mdv No Optionally set the markdown version to use; can be set to either v1 or v2 and defaults to v2 if not set. This value is only referenced when ?format=markdown has also been set.
topic No The Topic Thread ID you wish your message to be posted to. Here is a StackOverflow post on acquiring the Topic Thread ID


Send a telegram notification to lead2gold:

# Assuming our {bot_token} is 123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop
# Assuming the {chat_id} belonging to lead2gold is 12315544
apprise -vv -t "Test Message Title" -b "Test Message Body" \

Want to use the Telegram Markdown features; do this instead:

# Assuming our {bot_token} is 123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop
# Assuming the {chat_id} belonging to lead2gold is 12315544
# We enforce the output format to be markown in this example
apprise -vv -t "Test Message Title" -b "Test Message Body" \

Got a specific topic you want to notify?

# Assuming our {bot_token} is 123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop
# Assuming the {chat_id} belonging to lead2gold is 12315544
# Assuming the {topic_id} is 1234567
apprise -vv -t "Test Message Title" -b "Test Message Body" \

Topics can also be assigned per chat id:

# Assuming our {bot_token} is 123456789:abcdefg_hijklmnop
# Assuming the {chat_id} belonging to lead2gold is 12315544
# Assuming the {topic_id} is 1234567
apprise -vv -t "Test Message Title" -b "Test Message Body" \