7 Notify_flock
Chris Caron edited this page 2023-12-17 11:59:37 -05:00

Flock Notifications

  • Source: https://flock.com/
  • Icon Support: Yes
  • Message Format: Text
  • Message Limit: 32768 Characters per message

Account Setup

Flock has a lot of similarities to Slack. Flock notifications require an incoming-webhook or a app/bot it can connect to.

Incoming Webhook

You can generate an Incoming webhook from [here](https://dev.flock.com/webhooks](https://dev.flock.com/webhooks). Just follow the wizard to pre-determine the channel(s) you want your message to broadcast to. When you've completed this process you will receive a URL that looks something like this: https://api.flock.com/hooks/sendMessage/134b8gh0-eba0-4fa9-ab9c-257ced0e8221

This effectively equates to: https://api.flock.com/hooks/sendMessage/{token}

Note: Apprise supports this URL as-is (as of v0.7.7); you no longer need to parse the URL any further. However there is slightly less overhead (internally) if you do.

In this example the token is 134b8gh0-eba0-4fa9-ab9c-257ced0e8221


Bots are a bit more difficult and presume that you followed their instructions on setting on up your own app. Just like a webhook, you'll get your own {token} provided to you that allows you to message people and channels directly.


Valid syntaxes with an incoming webhook are:

  • https://api.flock.com/hooks/sendMessage/{token}
  • flock://{token}/
  • flock://{botname}@{token}/

Valid syntaxes with an application / bot are: Note: the userid and channelid belong to the actual encoded id and not the public displayed value. For instance; if you have a channel called #general, it will have an encoded id associated with it that might look something like g:abcd1234defg. Users are identified in a similar fashion but are prefixed with u: instead of g:. These are the values you must specify here:

  • flock://{token}/u:userid
  • flock://{botname}@{token}/u:{user}
  • flock://{botname}@{token}/u:{user1}/u:{user2}/u:{userN}/
  • flock://{botname}@{token}/g:{channel}
  • flock://{token}/g:{channel}
  • flock://{botname}@{token}/g:{channel1}/g:{channel2}/g:{channelN}/
  • flock://{botname}@{token}/g:{channel}/u:{user}/

Parameter Breakdown

Variable Required Description
token Yes The first part of 3 tokens provided to you after creating a incoming-webhook and or an application/bot
botname No Identify the name of the bot that should issue the message. If one isn't specified then the default is to just use your account (associated with the incoming-webhook).
channel No Channels must be prefixed with a hash tag # or g:. They must represent the encoded id of the channel name (not the human readable reference) You can specify as many channels as you want by delimiting each of them by a forward slash (/) in the url.
user No Users must be prefixed with an at symbol @ or u:! They must represent the encoded id of the user name (not the human readable reference) You can specify as many users as you want by delimiting each of them by a forward slash (/) in the url.
image No Associate an image with the message. By default this is enabled.


Send a flock notification to our channel #nuxref (which is identified as g:abcd1234efgh):

# Assuming our {token} is 134b8gh0-eba0-4fa9-ab9c-257ced0e8221
# our channel nuxref is represented as g:abcd1234efgh
apprise -vv -t "Test Message Title" -b "Test Message Body" \