18 Notify_matrix
Chris Caron edited this page 2024-01-27 16:15:08 -05:00

Matrix Notifications

  • Source: https://matrix.org/
  • Icon Support: Yes
  • Attachment Support: Yes
  • Message Format: Text
  • Message Limit: 65000 Characters per message

By default the Apprise Integration of Matrix occurs using it's built in API.

However, the webhook service also works for those wishing to use it too. At the time, this is still identified as being in it's late beta state. This can be done by specifying ?mode=matrix or ?mode=slack. Presuming you've set it up.


Valid syntax's are as follows:

  • matrix://{user}:{password}@{matrixhost}/#{room_alias}
  • matrixs://{user}:{password}@{matrixhost}/!{room_id}

You can mix and match as many rooms as you wish:

  • matrixs://{user}:{password}@{matrixhost}/!{room_id}/#{room_alias}/

Note: If no user and/or password is specified, then the matrix registration process is invoked. The matrix servers actually allow this (if enabled to do so in their configuration) to connect as a temporary user with/without a password and/or user-name. Under normal circumstances you should probably always supply a {user} and {password}.

Note: Federated rooms identifiers are fully supported by Apprise. If no hostname is found in the {room_id} and/or {room_alias} entries specified, then apprise automatically uses the hostname returned to it (internally) upon login. For example, assume the following url:

  • #room is internally interpreted as #room:localhost before it is accessed.
  • #room:example.com is not altered and is directly notified as such
  • !abc123 is internally interpreted as !abc123:localhost
  • !def456:example.com is not altered and is directly notified as such

When you specify the ?mode= argument you immediately shift entirely how this plugin works and the syntax becomes:

  • matrix://{user}:{token}@{hostname}?mode=matrix
  • matrixs://{token}@{hostname}:{port}?mode=matrix
  • matrix://{user}:{token}@{hostname}?mode=slack&format=markdown
  • matrixs://{token}@{hostname}?mode=slack&format=markdown

If you use t2bot.io, then you can use the following URLs:

  • matrix://{t2bot_webhook_token}
  • matrix://{user}@{t2bot_webhook_token}

You can also just use the t2bot URL as they share it with you from their website:

  • https://webhooks.t2bot.io/api/v1/matrix/hook/{t2bot_webhook_token}

Parameter Breakdown

Variable Required Description
hostname *Yes The matrix server you wish to connect to.
t2bot_webhook_token *Yes This is effectively the hostname but acts as the t2bot webhook token if the mode is set to t2bot. Apprise is smart enough to determine the mode provided you follow the t2bot URL examples explained above. This field becomes the hostname in all other cases.
user No The user to authenticate (and/or register) with the matrix server
password No The password to authenticate (and/or register) with the matrix server
port No The server port Matrix is listening on. By default matrixs:// uses a secure port port of 443 while matrix:// uses port 80.
room_alias No The room alias you wish to join (if not there already) and broadcast your notification. For ambiguity purposes you should prefix these locations with a pound/hashtag symbol # although it is not required.
room_id No The room id you wish to join (if not there already) and broadcast your notification. For ambiguity purposes, you MUST prefix these locations with a exclamation symbol ! (otherwise it is interpreted as a room_alias instead)
thumbnail No Displays an image before each notification is sent that identifies the notification type (warning, info, error, success). By default this option is set to False.
mode No This is optional and allows you to specify a webhook mode instead. Setting this to matrix or slack allows you to leverage this webhook service instead of directly communicating with the matrix server. By default no webhooks are used.
msgtype No This is optional and allows you to specify a Matrix message type to use. Possible options are text and notice. By default all messages are sent as text.
version No Optionally over-ride the API version of matrix to use. Possible values are 2 and 3. By default the version is set to 3.

Note: If neither a {room_alias} or a {room_id} is specified on the URL then upon connecting to the matrix server, a list of currently joined channels will be polled. Each and every channel the account is currently part of will automatically be notified.


Send a secure Matrix.org notification to our server

# Assuming our {hostname} is matrix.example.com
# Assuming our {user} is nuxref
# Assuming our {password} is abc123
# Assuming the {room_alias} we want to notify is #general and #apprise
apprise -vv -t "Test Message Title" -b "Test Message Body" \

# Attachments do not work using the Matrix v3 version; use the
# following to fall back to an earlier API version:
apprise -vv -t "Test Message Title" -b "Test Message Body" \

Send a t2bot.io request:

# Assuming our {webhook} is ABCDEFG12345
apprise -vv -t "Test Message Title" -b "Test Message Body" \