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Raw Normal View History

2011-02-05 05:29:50 +01:00
First, django-helpdesk needs ``django.core.context_processors.request`` activated, so you must add it to the ````. Add the following::
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
'context_processors': (
# Default ones first
# The one django-helpdesk requires:
The following settings can be changed in your ```` file to help change the way django-helpdesk operates. There are quite a few settings available to toggle functionality within django-helpdesk.
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
django-helpdesk has a built in ``UserSettings`` entity with per-user options that they will want to configure themselves. When you create a new user, a set of options is automatically created for them which they can then change themselves.
If you want to override the default settings for your users, create ``HELPDESK_DEFAULT_SETTINGS`` as a dictionary in ````. The default is below::
'use_email_as_submitter': True,
'email_on_ticket_assign': True,
'email_on_ticket_change': True,
'login_view_ticketlist': True,
'tickets_per_page': 25
Generic Options
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
These changes are visible throughout django-helpdesk
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
- **HELPDESK_REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN_BY_DEFAULT** When a user visits "/", should we redirect to the login page instead of the default homepage?
- **HELPDESK_KB_ENABLED** show knowledgebase links?
**Default:** ``HELPDESK_KB_ENABLED = True``
- **HELPDESK_NAVIGATION_ENABLED** Show extended navigation by default, to all users, irrespective of staff status?
- **HELPDESK_TRANSLATE_TICKET_COMMENTS** Show dropdown list of languages that ticket comments can be translated into via Google Translate?
- **HELPDESK_TRANSLATE_TICKET_COMMENTS_LANG** List of languages to offer. If set to false, all default google translate languages will be shown.
**Default:** ``HELPDESK_TRANSLATE_TICKET_COMMENTS_LANG = ["en", "de", "fr", "it", "ru"]``
- **HELPDESK_SHOW_CHANGE_PASSWORD** Show link to 'change password' on 'User Settings' page?
- **HELPDESK_FOLLOWUP_MOD** Allow user to override default layout for 'followups' (work in progress)
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
**Default:** ``HELPDESK_FOLLOWUP_MOD = False``
2014-07-20 10:43:50 +02:00
- **HELPDESK_AUTO_SUBSCRIBE_ON_TICKET_RESPONSE** Auto-subscribe user to ticket as a 'CC' if (s)he responds to a ticket?
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
- **HELPDESK_EMAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE** Subject template for templated emails. ``%(subject)s`` represents the subject wording from the email template (e.g. "(Closed)"). *Warning*: your subject template should always include a ``{{ ticket.ticket }}`` somewhere as many ``django-helpdesk`` features rely on the ticket ID in the subject line in order to correctly route mail to the corresponding ticket. If you leave out the ticket ID, your helpdesk may not work correctly!
2014-07-16 00:48:42 +02:00
**Default:** ``HELPDESK_EMAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE = "{{ ticket.ticket }} {{ ticket.title|safe }} %(subject)s"``
2016-10-14 10:04:28 +02:00
- **HELPDESK_EMAIL_FALLBACK_LOCALE** Fallback locale for templated emails when queue locale not found
- **HELPDESK_MAX_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE** Maximum size, in bytes, of file attachments that will be sent via email
- **VALID_EXTENSIONS** Valid extensions for file types that can be attached to tickets
**Default:** ``VALID_EXTENSIONS = ['.txt', '.asc', '.htm', '.html', '.pdf', '.doc', '.docx', '.odt', '.jpg', '.png', '.eml']
- **QUEUE_EMAIL_BOX_UPDATE_ONLY** Only process mail with a valid tracking ID; all other mail will be ignored instead of creating a new ticket.
**Default:** ``QUEUE_EMAIL_BOX_UPDATE_ONLY = False``
- **HELPDESK_ANON_ACCESS_RAISES_404** If True, redirects user to a 404 page when attempting to reach ticket pages while not logged in, rather than redirecting to a login screen.
**Default:** ``HELPDESK_ANON_ACCESS_RAISES_404 = False``
- **HELPDESK_ENABLE_DEPENDENCIES_ON_TICKET** If False, disable the dependencies fields on ticket.
2022-04-20 16:36:37 +02:00
- **HELPDESK_ENABLE_TIME_SPENT_ON_TICKET** If False, disable the time spent fields on ticket.
2022-04-20 16:36:37 +02:00
2022-04-20 15:47:36 +02:00
- **HELPDESK_TICKETS_TIMELINE_ENABLED** If False, remove from the dashboard the Timeline view for tickets.
2022-04-20 15:39:27 +02:00
2022-04-20 15:47:36 +02:00
2022-04-20 15:39:27 +02:00
Options shown on public pages
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
These options only change display of items on public-facing pages, not staff pages.
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
- **HELPDESK_VIEW_A_TICKET_PUBLIC** Show 'View a Ticket' section on public page?
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
- **HELPDESK_SUBMIT_A_TICKET_PUBLIC** Show 'submit a ticket' section & form on public page?
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
- **HELPDESK_PUBLIC_TICKET_FORM_CLASS** Define custom form class to show on public pages for anon users. You can use it for adding custom fields and validation, captcha and so on.
**Default:** ``HELPDESK_PUBLIC_TICKET_FORM_CLASS = "helpdesk.forms.PublicTicketForm"``
Options for public ticket submission form
- **HELPDESK_PUBLIC_TICKET_QUEUE** Sets the queue for tickets submitted through the public form. If defined, the matching form field will be hidden. This cannot be `None` but must be set to a valid queue slug.
**Default:** Not defined
- **HELPDESK_PUBLIC_TICKET_PRIORITY** Sets the priority for tickets submitted through the public form. If defined, the matching form field will be hidden. Must be set to a valid integer priority.
**Default:** Not defined
- **HELPDESK_PUBLIC_TICKET_DUE_DATE** Sets the due date for tickets submitted through the public form. If defined, the matching form field will be hidden. Set to `None` if you want to hide the form field but do not want to define a value.
**Default:** Not defined
Options that change ticket updates
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
- **HELPDESK_ALLOW_NON_STAFF_TICKET_UPDATE** Allow non-staff users to interact with tickets?
Set to True to allow any authenticated user to manage tickets.
You can also apply a custom authorisation logic for identifying helpdesk staff members, by setting this to a callable.
In that case, the value should be a function accepting the active user as a parameter and returning True if the user is considered helpdesk staff, e.g.
2014-07-28 06:47:19 +02:00
lambda u: u.is_authenticated() and u.is_active and u.groups.filter(name='helpdesk_staff').exists()))
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
- **HELPDESK_SHOW_EDIT_BUTTON_FOLLOW_UP** Show edit buttons in ticket follow ups?
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
- **HELPDESK_SHOW_DELETE_BUTTON_SUPERUSER_FOLLOW_UP** Show delete buttons in ticket follow ups if user is 'superuser'?
- **HELPDESK_UPDATE_PUBLIC_DEFAULT** Make all updates public by default? This will hide the 'is this update public' checkbox.
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
- **HELPDESK_STAFF_ONLY_TICKET_OWNERS** Only show staff users in ticket owner drop-downs?
- **HELPDESK_STAFF_ONLY_TICKET_CC** Only show staff users in ticket cc drop-down?
**Default:** ``HELPDESK_STAFF_ONLY_TICKET_CC = False``
Options that change ticket properties
- **HELPDESK_TICKET_OPEN_STATUS** Customize the id of OPEN_STATUS tickets status.
- **HELPDESK_TICKET_REOPENED_STATUS** Customize the id of REOPENED_STATUS tickets status.
- **HELPDESK_TICKET_RESOLVED_STATUS** Customize the id of RESOLVED_STATUS tickets status
- **HELPDESK_TICKET_CLOSED_STATUS** Customize the id of CLOSED_STATUS tickets status
- **HELPDESK_TICKET_DUPLICATE_STATUS** Customize the id of DUPLICATE_STATUS tickets status
- **HELPDESK_TICKET_STATUS_CHOICES** Customize the list of status choices for all tickets.
The **default** is below::
(OPEN_STATUS, _('Open')),
(REOPENED_STATUS, _('Reopened')),
(RESOLVED_STATUS, _('Resolved')),
(CLOSED_STATUS, _('Closed')),
(DUPLICATE_STATUS, _('Duplicate')),
If you wish to introduce a new status choice for all tickets, you may add them like this::
(OPEN_STATUS, _('Open')),
(REOPENED_STATUS, _('Reopened')),
(RESOLVED_STATUS, _('Resolved')),
(CLOSED_STATUS, _('Closed')),
(DUPLICATE_STATUS, _('Duplicate')),
(6, _('Opened by bot')),
- **HELPDESK_TICKET_OPEN_STATUSES** Define the list of statuses to be considered as a type of open status.
If you have added the ``(6, _('Opened by bot'))`` status and wish to have django-helpdesk treat it as an open status choice, add it to the list of OPEN_STATUSES like this::
- **HELPDESK_TICKET_PRIORITY_CHOICES** Customize the priority choices for all tickets.
The **default** is below::
(1, _('1. Critical')),
(2, _('2. High')),
(3, _('3. Normal')),
(4, _('4. Low')),
(5, _('5. Very Low')),
If you have a new instance, you may override those settings but if you want to keep previous tickets priorities and add new choices, you may increment integer values like this::
(1, _('1. Critical')),
(2, _('2. High')),
(3, _('3. Normal')),
(4, _('4. Low')),
(5, _('5. Very Low')),
(6, _('6. Cold')),
(7, _('7. Hot')),
Staff Ticket Creation Settings
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
- **HELPDESK_CREATE_TICKET_HIDE_ASSIGNED_TO** Hide the 'assigned to' / 'Case owner' field from the 'create_ticket' view? It'll still show on the ticket detail/edit form.
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
Staff Ticket View Settings
- **HELPDESK_ENABLE_PER_QUEUE_STAFF_PERMISSION** If ``True``, logged in staff users only see queues and tickets to which they have specifically been granted access - this holds for the dashboard, ticket query, and ticket report views. User assignment is done through the standard ``django.admin.admin`` permissions. *Note*: Staff with access to admin interface will be able to see the full list of tickets, but won't have access to details and could not modify them. This setting does not prevent staff users from creating tickets for all queues. Also, superuser accounts have full access to all queues, regardless of whatever queue memberships they have been granted.
Default E-Mail Settings
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
The following settings default to ``None`` but can be set as defaults, rather than setting them per-queue.
2012-08-08 09:36:34 +02:00
Discontinued Settings
The following settings were defined in previous versions and are no longer supported.
- **HELPDESK_PREPEND_ORG_NAME** Please customise your local `helpdesk/base.html` template if needed
- **HELPDESK_SHOW_EDIT_BUTTON_TICKET_TOP** Button is always shown
- **HELPDESK_SHOW_HOLD_BUTTON_TICKET_TOP** Button is always shown
- **HELPDESK_SHOW_KB_ON_HOMEPAGE** KB categories are always shown on the homepage
- **HELPDESK_SUPPORT_PERSON** Please customise your local `helpdesk/attribution.html` template if needed
- **HELPDESK_DASHBOARD_HIDE_EMPTY_QUEUES** Empty queues are always hidden
- **HELPDESK_FOOTER_SHOW_API_LINK** Link to API documentation is always shown. Edit your local `helpdesk/base.html` template if needed.
- **HELPDESK_FOOTER_SHOW_CHANGE_LANGUAGE_LINK** Is never shown. Use your own template if required.
- **HELPDESK_FULL_FIRST_MESSAGE_FROM_EMAIL** Do not ignore fowarded and replied text from the email messages which create a new ticket; useful for cases when customer forwards some email (error from service or something) and wants support to see that
- **HELPDESK_ALWAYS_SAVE_INCOMING_EMAIL_MESSAGE** Any incoming .eml message is saved and available, helps when customer spent some time doing fancy markup which has been corrupted during the email-to-ticket-comment translate process