- search for (not yet working) extended search is called now ex_search (will be replaced by search)
- some parameter cleanups
- some changes for the new API contacts class, which just extends the bocontacts class of addressbook
- User accounts are an own addressbook now
- every user and group (can) have an own addressbook
- for groups the accessrights no longer depend on the creator
- new acl for adding into an addressbook
- all addressbooks can be displayed together (eg. accounts mixed with personal and group AB's)
- some useful new fields (photo, private cellphone, ...) and some obscure ones have been removed
- db update puts all contacts in the owners personal addressbook (further manual migration tools will follow), thought the UI already allows to mass-move them into a group-addressbook
- group addressbooks in SQL are created by making a group-grant for addressbook (like filemanger)
- Warning: all import/export/xmlrpc/syncml stuff and other apps accessing the addressbook is broken until the contacts class in the API gets fixed!
- it depends on further updates of etemplate, phpgwapi, admin!
==> it's pretty cool (specialy the foto's), but NOT ready for a production server !!!
- no more caching in the cat_id function, as it's done in the categories class in the API no
- categories::name2id no longer caches not found entries, as they might be added in this request
- contacts_sql::add set's all unset telefon numbers to '', to avoid the stupid db-default '+1 (000) 000-0000', which I dont want to change in the stable release
Admin can now define multiple addressbooks each with an own edit / view template and an own icon.
Atm. all Addressbooks are stored in one backend, but this will change soon^tm
- db stores now server-time as everywhere in eGW
- contacts-class in the api and bocontacts in addressbook take and deliver user-time
- xmlrpc gives user-time as the other apps too