- session_(dla|action) is stored in egw_access_log table
- notifications refresh via ajax set notification_heartbeat timestamp in egw_access_log
- if notification_heartbeat is set (happens only for browser sessions with popup notification) sessions get removed from session list one minute after browser is closed
- new static method egw_session::notifications_active($account_id) to check if given user has an open browser with notifications popup checking, to ensure popup notifications can fall back to email
- from user perspectiv they are global cat like the existing ones
(also comming in two flavors: global or for a certain app)
- admins can select to limit a global cat when they create it
--> all members of a given group have the cat as a global one
==> This does a silent modification of the categories table:
global cats get changed from cat_owner=-1 to cat_owner=0 !!!
- exceptions get now always logged to the error_log
- in the webgui it's now configurable, if the message contains a
stacktrace (incl. function arguments) - default no (security)
- command line interfaces get detected and contain no html anymore
- webdav and groupdav send the exceptions as basic auth realms to the
- webdav and groupdav login failures contain the reason as part of the
basic auth realm
-removed the manual setting of the link to the emailadmin, and moved it to emailadmin's hooks
-support the (user/group id change for emailadmin table/fields
- all commands get loged and optional documented with requesting
person and a comment
- all commands can be run immediatly or scheduled for a later execusion
- all commands can be run either from a command line (admin-cli), from
the web GUI or via a remore administration from a different instance
current status:
- command queue / history table created (need to be installed)
- base class for all comments
- one exemplary command to change application rights of users or groups
- admin-cli used the above comment and has additional parameters to set
the requesting person, scheduled execution time and comment
- GUI to watch the queue / history
- URL to excute/schedule commands remote
More to come now on a daily basis