
440 lines
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2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
%1 added addressbook id %1 ditambahkan
%1 contact(s) %2 addressbook id %1 kontak %2
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of %4 !!! addressbook id %1 kontak %2, %3 gagal karena %4!
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! addressbook id %1 kontak %2, %3 gagal karena kurang kewenangan!
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
%1 contacts updated (%2 errors). addressbook id %1 kontak dikinikan (%2 kesalahan).
%1 fields in %2 other organisation member(s) changed addressbook id %1 field dalam %2 anggota organisasi lain diubah.
%1 key(s) added to public keyserver "%2". addressbook id %1 kunci ditambahkan ke server kunci publik "%2".
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
%1 not implemented for %2! addressbook id %1 tidak di-implementasikan untuk %2!
%1 public keys added. addressbook id %1 kunci publik ditambahkan.
%1 records imported addressbook id %1 rekaman diimpor.
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) addressbook id %1 rekaman dibaca. Belum diimpor, anda dapat %2kembali%3 dan kosongkan Tes impor.
%1 shared this contact on %2 with %3 %4 addressbook id %1 membagikan kontak ini pada %2 dengan %3 %4
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
%1 starts with '%2' addressbook id %1 diawali dengan '%2'
%s please calculate the result addressbook id %s silakan hitung hasilnya
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
(e.g. 1969) addressbook id (mis. 1969)
(empty = use global limit, no = no export at all) admin id Empty = gunakan pembatasan global, no = tidak ada ekspor sama sekali
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook id @-eval() hanya tersedia untuk admin!
account id addressbook id ID akun
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
account repository admin id Tempat Akoun
accounts addressbook id Akoun
actions addressbook id Tindakan
add %1 addressbook id Tambah %1
add a contact to this organisation addressbook id Tambah kontak untuk organisasi ini
add a customfield to link title addressbook id Menambahkan bidang khusus ke judul tautan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
add a new contact addressbook id Tambah kontak baru
add a new infolog addressbook id Tambah InfoLog baru
add a new list addressbook id Tambah daftar baru
add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook id Menambahkan entri tunggal dengan mengoper bidang
add appointment addressbook id Tambahkan janji temu
add business email of whole distribution list? addressbook id Menambahkan email bisnis dari seluruh daftar distribusi?
add custom field addressbook id Menambahkan bidang khusus
add customfield to links of addressbook, which displays in other applications. the default value is none customfield. addressbook id Menambahkan bidang khusus ke tautan buku alamat, yang ditampilkan di aplikasi lain. Nilai defaultnya adalah tidak ada kolom khusus.
add emails of whole distribution list? addressbook id Menambahkan email dari seluruh daftar distribusi?
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
add or delete categories addressbook id Tambah atau hapus Kategori
add to bcc addressbook id Tambahkan ke Salinan Tunanetra
add to cc addressbook id Tambahkan ke Salinan
add to distribution list addressbook id Tambahkan ke daftar distribusi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
add to distribution list: addressbook id Masukkan ke daftar distribusi:
add to to addressbook id Tambahkan ke Kepada
added addressbook id Ditambahkan
added by synchronisation addressbook id Penambahan karena sinkronisasi
added to distribution list addressbook id Ditambahkan ke daftar distribusi
additional information about using ldap as contact repository admin id Informasi tambahan tentang penggunaan LDAP sebagai repositori kontak
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
address book common id Buku Alamat
address book - view addressbook id Buku Alamat - lihat
address line 2 addressbook id Alamat Baris 2
address line 2 (private) addressbook id Baris alamat 2 (pribadi)
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
address type addressbook id Tipe Alamat
addressbook common id Buku Alamat
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
addressbook csv export addressbook id Ekspor CSV Buku Alamat
addressbook csv import addressbook id Impor CSV Buku Alamat
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
addressbook field addressbook id Field Buku Alamat
addressbook list addressbook id Daftar buku alamat
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
addressbook menu addressbook id Menu Buku Alamat
addressbook of addressbook id Buku alamat dari
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
addressbook preferences addressbook id Kesukaan Buku Alamat
addressbook the contact should be saved to addressbook id Kontak Buku Alamat disimpan ke
addressbook the contact should be shown addressbook id Kontak Buku Alamat ditampilkan
addressbook vcard export addressbook id Ekspor buku alamat vCard
addressbook vcard import addressbook id Impor vCard buku alamat
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
addressbook-fieldname addressbook id Nama field Buku Alamat
addvcard addressbook id Tambah vCard
advanced search addressbook id Pencarian Canggih
all addressbooks addressbook id Semua buku alamat
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
all contacts addressbook id Semua kontak
all in one field addressbook id Semua dalam satu bidang
all types addressbook id Semua jenis
allow addressbook id Izinkan
allow for contacts only addressbook id Izinkan untuk kontak saja
allow members of following groups to edit contact-data of accounts addressbook id Izinkan anggota grup berikut mengedit data kontak akun
allow users to maintain their own account-data admin id Izinkan pengguna untuk mengelola data akun mereka sendiri
always addressbook id Selalu
apply changes to all members, whose fields have the same previous content addressbook id Menerapkan perubahan pada semua anggota, yang bidangnya memiliki konten yang sama sebelumnya.
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown contacts!!! addressbook id Menerapkan tindakan pada seluruh kueri, BUKAN hanya kontak yang ditampilkan!
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
are you shure you want to delete this contact? addressbook id Anda yakin mau menghapus kontak ini?
are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook id Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus bidang ini?
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
assistent addressbook id Asisten
assistent phone addressbook id Telepon Asisten
audio call addressbook id Panggilan Audio
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
birthday common id HUT
birthdays common id HUT
blank addressbook id Kosong
browser location addressbook id Lokasi peramban
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
business common id Bisnis
business address addressbook id Alamat Bisnis
business city addressbook id Kota Bisnis
business country addressbook id Negara Bisnis
business email addressbook id Email Bisnis
business fax addressbook id Fax Bisnis
business phone addressbook id Telepon Bisnis
business state addressbook id Provinsi Bisnis
business street addressbook id Jalan Bisnis
business zip code addressbook id Kodepos Bisnis
calendar fields: addressbook id Field Kalender:
calendar integration addressbook id Integrasi kalender
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
calendar uri addressbook id URI Kalender
can be changed via setup >> configuration admin id Dapat diubah melalui Pengaturan >> Konfigurasi
can't create dn %1 addressbook id Tidak dapat membuat DN %1
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
car phone addressbook id Telepon Kendaraan
categorie addressbook id Kategori
categorie added addressbook id Kategori ditambahkan.
categorie delete addressbook id Kategori dihapus.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
categories, notes, ... addressbook id Kategori, Catatan, ...
category tree admin id Pohon Kategori
cell phone addressbook id Telepon Seluler
change addressbook when updating addressbook id Mengubah buku alamat saat memperbarui
change all organisation members addressbook id Ubah semua anggota organisasi
charset for the csv export addressbook id Charset untuk ekspor CSV
charset of file addressbook id Charset of file
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
check all addressbook id Contreng semua
choose pre-defined map source or use custom url (use %r = street, %t = city, %c = country, %z = zipcode) admin id Pilih sumber peta yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya atau gunakan URL khusus (gunakan %r = jalan, %t = kota, %c = negara, %z = kode pos)
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
city common id Kota
company common id Lembaga
company name addressbook id Nama lembaga
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
configuration common id Konfigurasi
contact common id Kontak
contact application admin id Aplikasi Kontak
contact deleted addressbook id Kontak dihapus
contact id addressbook id ID Kontak
contact maintenance admin id Pemeliharaan kontak
contact modified by %1 at %2 addressbook id Kontak diubah oleh %1 pada %2
contact not found! addressbook id Kontak tidak ditemukan!
contact repository admin id Tempat Kontak
contact saved addressbook id Kontak disimpan
contact settings admin id Pengaturan Kontak
contactform addressbook id Formulir kontak
contacts common id Kontak
contains addressbook id Mengandung
copied addressbook id disalin
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook id Disalin oleh %1, dari rekaman #%2.
country common id Negara
create new links addressbook id Bikin tautan baru
created addressbook id Dibikin
credit addressbook id Kredit
crm-view addressbook id Tampilan CRM
csv-fieldname addressbook id Nama field-CSV
csv-filename addressbook id Nama berkas CSV
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
custom addressbook id Custom
custom fields addressbook id Custom fields
default addressbook id Bawaan
default action on double-click addressbook id Tindakan default saat klik dua kali
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
default address format addressbook id Format alamat bawaan
default addressbook for adding contacts addressbook id Buku alamat bawaan untuk penambahan kontak
default file as format addressbook id File bawaan sebagai format
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
default filter addressbook id Saringan Bawaan
default geolocation source address addressbook id Alamat sumber GeoLokasi default
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
delete selected distribution list! addressbook id Hapus daftar distribusi terpilih!
delete this contact addressbook id Hapus kontak ini
deleted addressbook id Terhapus
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
deletes the photo addressbook id Hapus foto
department common id Departemen
departments addressbook id Departemen
directory with documents to insert contacts addressbook id Direktori dengan dokumen untuk memasukkan kontak
disable addressbook id Nonaktifkan
disable last/next event column addressbook id Nonaktifkan kolom Acara Terakhir/Berikutnya
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
display contact addressbook id Tampilkan Kontak
displays a remider for birthdays on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon). addressbook id Menampilkan ulang tahun di Beranda.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
distribution list deleted addressbook id Daftar distribusi dihapus
distribution list renamed addressbook id Daftar distribusi diganti namanya
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
distribution lists addressbook id Daftar Distribusi
distribution lists as groups addressbook id Daftar distribusi sebagai grup
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
distribution lists, ... addressbook id Daftar Distribusi, ...
do you really want to delete this contact? addressbook id Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin menghapus kontak ini?
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
do your really want to delete this contact? addressbook id Anda sungguh ingin menghapus kontak ini?
doesn't matter addressbook id Tidak penting
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
domestic addressbook id Domestik
don't hide empty columns addressbook id Jangan sembunyikan kolom kosong
download addressbook id Unduh
download this contact as vcard file addressbook id Unduh kontak sebagai vCard
duplicate threshold addressbook id Ambang batas duplikat
duplicate warning addressbook id Peringatan duplikat
duplicates addressbook id Duplikat
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
duration addressbook id Durasi
edit custom fields admin id Mengedit bidang khusus
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
edit phonenumbers - addressbook id Edit Nomor telepon -
email & internet addressbook id Email & Internet
email addresses (comma separated) to send the contact data addressbook id Alamat Email (dipisahkan koma) untuk mengirim data-data kontak.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
empty admin id Kosong
empty addressbook before importing addressbook id Menghapus entri Buku Alamat Tidak ada dalam daftar CSV
empty for all addressbook id Kosongkan untuk semuanya
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
end addressbook id Akhir
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. addressbook id Contoh {{IF n_awalan~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - cari di kolom "n_awalan", untuk "Mr", jika ditemukan, tulis Hello Mr, jika tidak, tulis Hello Ms.
example {{letterprefixcustom n_prefix title n_family}} - example: mr dr. james miller preferences id Contoh {{LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix judul n_keluarga}} - Contoh Bapak Dr. James Miller
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role addressbook id Contoh {{NELF role}} - jika peran bidang tidak kosong, Anda akan mendapatkan baris baru dengan nilai peran bidang
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field addressbook id Contoh {{nenvlf role}} - jika peran bidang tidak kosong, tetapkan LF tanpa nilai bidang apa pun
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
existing links addressbook id Tautan yang ada
exists addressbook id Ada
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
export as csv addressbook id Ekspor sebagai CSV
export as vcard addressbook id Ekspor sebagai vCard
export contacts addressbook id Ekspor Kontak
export definition to use for nextmatch export addressbook id Definisi ekspor yang akan digunakan untuk ekspor nextmatch
export definitition to use for nextmatch export addressbook id Definisi ekspor yang akan digunakan untuk ekspor pertandingan berikutnya
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
export file name addressbook id Nama berkas ekspor
export from addressbook addressbook id Ekspor dari Buku Alamat
export selection addressbook id Ekspor pilihan
exported addressbook id diekspor
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. addressbook id Mengekspor kontak dari buku alamat ke dalam file CSV.
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook id Mengekspor kontak dari buku alamat ke dalam file CSV. CSV berarti 'Nilai yang Dipisahkan dengan Koma'. Pada tab opsi, Anda juga dapat memilih pemisah lainnya.
exports contacts from your addressbook into a vcard file. addressbook id Mengekspor kontak dari buku alamat Anda ke dalam file vCard.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
extra addressbook id Tambahan
extra private addressbook id Privat tambahan
favorite phone addressbook id Telepon favorit
favorites addressbook id Favorit
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
fax addressbook id Fax
fax number common id Nomor Fax
field %1 has been added ! addressbook id Field %1 telah ditambahkan!
field %1 has been updated ! addressbook id Field %1 telah dikinikan!
field name addressbook id Nama Field
fields to check for duplicates addressbook id Bidang untuk memeriksa duplikat
fields to consider when looking for duplicate contacts. addressbook id Bidang yang perlu dipertimbangkan saat mencari kontak duplikat.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
fields to show in address list addressbook id Field yang ditampilkan dalam daftar alamat
fieldseparator addressbook id Pemisah field
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. addressbook id Gunakan tag ini untuk surat berantai. Tempatkan konten yang ingin Anda ulangi di antara dua tag.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
freebusy uri addressbook id URI Senggang/sibuk
full name addressbook id Nama Lengkap
general admin id Umum
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
general fields: addressbook id Field Umum:
general settings addressbook id Pengaturan umum
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
geo addressbook id GEO
geolocation addressbook id Lokasi Geografis
geolocation integration admin id Integrasi GeoLokasi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
global categories addressbook id Kategori Global
grant addressbook access common id Ijinkan Akses BukuAlamat
group %1 addressbook id Kelompok %1
h addressbook id h
hide accounts from addressbook addressbook id Sembunyikan akoun dari bukualamat
hide all accounts addressbook id Sembunyikan semua akun
hide all groups addressbook id Menyembunyikan semua grup
hide groups without email address addressbook id Menyembunyikan grup tanpa alamat email
hide user groups as distribution lists addressbook id Sembunyikan grup pengguna sebagai daftar distribusi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
hides accounts completly from the adressbook. addressbook id Sembunyikan sama sekali dari buku alamat.
history logging admin id Catatan riwayat
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
home address addressbook id Alamat Rumah
home address, birthday, ... addressbook id Alamat Rumah, HUT, ...
home city addressbook id Kota Rumah
home country addressbook id Negara Rumah
home email addressbook id Email Rumah
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
home phone addressbook id Telepon Rumah
home state addressbook id Provinsi Rumah
home street addressbook id Jalan Rumah
home zip code addressbook id Kodepos Rumah
how many contacts should non-admins be able to export admin id Berapa banyak kontak yang dapat diekspor oleh non-admin.
how many fields must match for the record to be considered a duplicate. addressbook id Berapa banyak bidang yang harus cocok agar catatan dianggap duplikat.
html link to the current record addressbook id Tautan HTML ke catatan saat ini
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
icon addressbook id Ikon
if accounts are already in ldap admin id Jika akun sudah ada di LDAP
ignore first line addressbook id Abaikan baris pertama
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
import addressbook id Impor
import contacts addressbook id Impor Kontak
import csv-file into addressbook addressbook id Impor berkas-CSV ke Buku Alamat
import file addressbook id Impor Berkas
import from addressbook id Impor dari
import from ldif, csv, or vcard addressbook id Impor dari LDIF, CSV, atau vCard
import from outlook addressbook id Impor dari Outlook
import multiple vcard addressbook id Impor beberapa vCard
import next set addressbook id Impor kelompok berikutnya
importer's personal addressbook id Pribadi pengimpor
imports contacts into your addressbook from a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook id Mengimpor kontak ke dalam buku alamat dari File CSV. Pada tab opsi, Anda juga dapat memilih pemisah lainnya.
imports contacts into your addressbook from a vcard file. addressbook id Mengimpor kontak ke dalam Buku Alamat Anda dari File vCard.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday. addressbook id Tinggal %1 hari (%2) adalah HUT %3.
infolog-contact addressbook id Kontak InfoLog
infolog-organisation addressbook id Organisasi InfoLog
insufficent rights to delete this list! addressbook id Hak yang tidak memadai untuk menghapus daftar ini!
insufficent rights to edit this list! addressbook id Hak yang tidak memadai untuk mengedit daftar ini!
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
international addressbook id Internasional
internet addressbook id Internet
invite to current call addressbook id Mengundang ke panggilan saat ini
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
label addressbook id Label
last date addressbook id Tanggal terakhir
last modified addressbook id Diubah terakhir
last modified by addressbook id Diubah terakhir oleh
ldif addressbook id LDIF
line 2 addressbook id Baris 2
links addressbook id Tautan
list all categories addressbook id Daftar semua kategori
list already exists! addressbook id Daftar telah ada!
list created addressbook id Daftar dibuat.
load custom fields in index, even if custom field column is off (eg. to display them in a specific index column) addressbook id Memuat custom field dalam indeks, bahkan jika kolom custom field tidak aktif (misalnya, untuk menampilkannya dalam kolom indeks tertentu)
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
load vcard addressbook id Muatkan vCard
location addressbook id Lokasi
locations addressbook id lokasi
mail vcard addressbook id Mail vCard
main categories in their own field addressbook id Kategori utama dalam bidangnya masing-masing
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
manage mapping addressbook id Mengelola pemetaan
mark records as private addressbook id Tandai rekaman sebagai privat
merge contacts addressbook id Menggabungkan kontak
merge duplicates addressbook id Gabungkan duplikat
merge into first or account, deletes all other! addressbook id Gabungkan ke dalam akun pertama atau akun, hapus semua yang lain!
merged addressbook id Digabung
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
message after submitting the form addressbook id Pesan setelah mengirimkan formulir
middle name addressbook id Nama Tengah
migration finished addressbook id Migrasi selesai
migration to ldap admin id Migrasi ke LDAP
mobile addressbook id Bergerak
mobile phone addressbook id Telepon Bergerak
modem phone addressbook id Telepon Modem
more ... addressbook id Selebihnya ...
move to addressbook addressbook id Pindah ke buku alamat
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
moved addressbook id dipindahkan
multiple vcard addressbook id Beberapa VCard
name for the distribution list addressbook id Nama daftar distribusi
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too addressbook id Nama pengguna saat ini, semua bidang kontak lainnya juga valid.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
name, address addressbook id Nama, Alamat
name, email, phone addressbook id Nama, email, telepon
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
new contact submitted by %1 at %2 addressbook id Kontak baru dikirim oleh %1 pada %2
new window opened to edit infolog for your selection addressbook id Jendela baru dibuka untuk mengedit InfoLog.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
next date addressbook id Tanggal selanjutnya
no categories selected addressbook id Tiada kategori yang dipilih
no distribution list addressbook id Tidak ada daftar distribusi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
no vcard addressbook id Tiada vCard
not shared addressbook id tidak dibagikan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
number addressbook id Nomor
number of records to read (%1) addressbook id Jumlah rekord yang dibaca (%1)
open %1 crm view addressbook id Buka %1 tampilan CRM
open email addresses in external mail program addressbook id Buka alamat Email dalam program surat eksternal
open infolog crm view preferences id Buka tampilan CRM InfoLog dari kontak
open tracking system crm view preferences id Buka tampilan CRM Sistem Pelacakan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
options for type admin id Opsi Tipe
organisation addressbook id Organisasi
organisations addressbook id Organisasi
organisations by departments addressbook id Organisasi, departemen
organisations by location addressbook id Organisasi, lokasi
other number addressbook id Nomor Lain
other phone addressbook id Telepon Lain
own sorting addressbook id Pengurutan pribadi
pager common id Pager
parcel addressbook id Parsel
participants addressbook id Peserta
permission denied !!! addressbook id Ijin ditolak!
permissiong denied! ask your administrator to allow regular uses to update their public keys. addressbook id Izin ditolak! Mintalah administrator Anda untuk mengizinkan penggunaan reguler untuk memperbarui kunci publik mereka.
pgp key addressbook id Kunci PGP
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
phone number common id Nomor Telepon
phone numbers common id Nomor Telepon
photo addressbook id Foto
please select only one category addressbook id Mohon hanya memilih satu kategori
postal common id Pos
pref addressbook id Kesukaan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
preferred email address to use in distribution lists addressbook id Alamat email yang disukai untuk digunakan pada daftar distribusi
preferred phone addressbook id Telepon kesukaan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
preferred type of email address to add for distribution lists addressbook id Tipe alamat email yang disukai untuk ditambahkan pada daftar distribusi
prefix addressbook id Sebutan/Gelar
prevent deleting of contacts admin id Mencegah penghapusan kontak
private address addressbook id Alamat pribadi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
public key addressbook id Kunci Publik
public sharing url addressbook id URL berbagi publik
read only addressbook id Hanya baca
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
record access addressbook id Akses Rekaman
record owner addressbook id Pemilik Rekaman
region addressbook id Kawasan
remove from distribution list addressbook id Menghapus dari daftar distribusi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
remove selected contacts from distribution list addressbook id Buang kontak terpilih dari daftar distribusi
removed from distribution list addressbook id Dibuang dari daftar distribusi
rename list addressbook id Mengganti nama daftar
rename selected distribution list addressbook id Mengganti nama daftar distribusi yang dipilih
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
repetition addressbook id Pengulangan
replacements for inserting contacts into documents addressbook id Pengganti untuk memasukkan kontak ke dalam dokumen
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
required fields * addressbook id Field diperlukan *
role addressbook id Peran
room addressbook id Ruang
schedule a video conference addressbook id Menjadwalkan konferensi video
search letter addressbook id Surat pencarian
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
select a portrait format jpeg photo. it will be resized to 60 pixel width. addressbook id Select a portrait format jpeg photo. It will be resized to 60 pixel width.
select a source address to be used in geolocation routing system addressbook id Pilih alamat sumber yang akan digunakan dalam sistem perutean GeoLocation
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
select a view addressbook id Pilih tampilan
select addressbook type addressbook id Pilih tipe buku alamat
select all addressbook id Pilih semua
select an action or addressbook to move to addressbook id Pilih tindakan atau buku alamat yang akan dipindahkan
select an action or addressbook to move to... addressbook id Pilih tindakan atau buku alamat yang akan dipindahkan ...
select an opened dialog addressbook id Pilih dialog yang terbuka
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
select migration type admin id Pilih tipe migrasi
select multiple contacts for a further action addressbook id Pilih beberapa kontak untuk tindakan selanjutnya
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
selected contacts addressbook id Kontak terpilih
send fax via email by replacing fax number with an email address addressbook id Mengirim faks melalui email dengan mengganti nomor faks dengan alamat Email
send succeeded to %1 common id Berhasil mengirim ke %1
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
seperator addressbook id Pemisah
set only full name addressbook id Tetapkan hanya nama lengkap
share into addressbook addressbook id Bagikan ke buku alamat
share writable addressbook id Bagikan dapat diedit
shared addressbook id bersama
shared by me addressbook id Dibagikan oleh saya
shared into addressbook %1 addressbook id dibagikan di buku alamat %1
shared with addressbook id Berbagi dengan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
show addressbook id Tampilkan
show active accounts addressbook id Menampilkan akun yang aktif
show all accounts addressbook id Tampilkan semua akun
smime key addressbook id Kunci S/MIME
special addressbook id Khusus
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
stadt addressbook id Mulai
start admin id Mulai
startrecord addressbook id Awal rekaman
state common id Provinsi
street common id Jalan
subject for email addressbook id Subyek email
suffix addressbook id Akhiran/Gelar
tel home addressbook id Tel rumah
telephony integration admin id Keterpaduan telepon
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) addressbook id Tes Impor (tampilkan rekaman yang dapat diimpor <u>hanya</u> dalam browser)
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
thank you for contacting us. addressbook id Terimakasih telah menghubungi kami.
that field name has been used already ! addressbook id Nama field tersebut telah digunakan!
the zip extension is needed, to insert contact data in openoffice or msoffice documents. addressbook id Ekstensi zip diperlukan untuk memasukkan data kontak dalam dokumen LibreOffice atau MS Office.
there was an error saving your data :-( addressbook id KESALAHAN menyimpan data!
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
timezone addressbook id Zonawaktu
title addressbook id Judul pekerjaan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
today is %1's birthday! common id Hari ini adalah HUT %1!
tomorrow is %1's birthday. common id Esok adalah HUT %1.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
translation addressbook id Terjemahan
two of: %1 addressbook id Dua dari: %1
type addressbook id Ketik
unable to import into %1, using %2 addressbook id Tidak dapat mengimpor ke dalam %1, menggunakan %2
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
unique id (uid) addressbook id Unique ID (UID)
unknown type %1, imported as %2 addressbook id Jenis tidak dikenal %1, diimpor sebagai %2
unshare addressbook id Tidak lagi berbagi
unshared addressbook id tidak lagi dibagikan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
updated addressbook id Dikinikan
upload or delete the photo addressbook id Unggah atau hapus foto
use a category tree? addressbook id Menggunakan pohon untuk memilih kategori
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
use country list addressbook id Gunakan Daftar Negara
user groups are automatically shown as distribution lists. addressbook id Grup pengguna secara otomatis ditampilkan sebagai daftar distribusi.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
vcard common id vCard
verification addressbook id Pengujian
video call addressbook id Panggilan Video
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
view linked infolog entries addressbook id Lihat entri InfoLog terkait
weekday addressbook id Hari kerja
when viewing a contact, show linked entries from the selected application addressbook id Saat melihat kontak, tampilkan entri tertaut dari aplikasi yang dipilih
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (/home/unverricht) addressbook id Ketika Anda menggabungkan entri ke dalam dokumen, entri-entri tersebut akan disimpan di sini. Jika tidak ada direktori yang disediakan, mereka akan disimpan di direktori rumah Anda (/home/...)
whole query addressbook id Seluruh query
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
work phone addressbook id Telepon Kerja
wrong - try again ... addressbook id Keliru - coba lagi ...
yes, only admins can purge deleted items admin id Ya, hanya admin yang dapat menghapus item yang dihapus
yes, users can purge their deleted items admin id Ya, pengguna dapat menghapus item yang dihapus
you are not allowed to share into the addressbook of %1 addressbook id Anda tidak diizinkan untuk berbagi ke buku alamat %1
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
you can respond by visiting: addressbook id Untuk melihatnya, kunjungi:
you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) addressbook id Anda musti memilih vCard. (*.vcf)
you must select at least 1 column to display addressbook id Anda musti memilih sedikitnya 1 kolom untuk menampilkan
you need to select a distribution list addressbook id Anda perlu memilih daftar distribusi
you need to select some contacts first addressbook id Anda perlu memilih beberapa kontak
you need to select some entries first addressbook id Anda perlu memilih beberapa entri terlebih dahulu
your new public key has been stored in accounts addressbook. addressbook id Kunci publik baru Anda telah disimpan di buku alamat akun.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
zip code common id Kodepos