- Wizard now works to define input definitions; you can define the mapping, translations and conditions using the UI.
- Added ability to schedule imports / export using async services
Still a lot of work to be done...
which is required (but not declared) by importexport:
- added requirement to importexport/setup/setup.inc.php
- gracefully fail if dom is not available
- add dom extension to rpm requirements
--> this has been reported many times on the list as "missing wiki
pages", which is caused by suppressed fatal error in importexports
default-records, stoping other apps default records to run
- reworked plugin interfaces.
- charset is now an attribut of plugin_options only
- import / export function itselve is not static any more
- whiped out silly phpdoc tags generated by umbrello (kde uml modeler)
- reworked representation of plugin_options for definitions
- many fixes in uiexport and export_csv
- lang updates
export is quite clean at the moment, but import needs lots of work,
all the stuff is not really for production yet, but i import it now, so that the guy from metaways can also work on it.
most pending tasks:
- implement conversions based on regular expressions
- implement options of plugin
- rework import part (mostly ui)