%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar sk na<6E><61>talo sa %1 z<>znamov (zatia<69> neboli naimportovan<61>, vra<72>te sa a ODzna<6E>te Test importu)
<b>please note</b>: the calendar use the holidays of your country, which is set to %1. you can change it in your %2.<br />holidays are %3 automatic installed from %4. you can changed it in %5. calendar sk <b>Upozornenie:</b>V Kalend<6E>ri sa pou<6F><75>vaj<61> sviatky, ktor<6F> platia vo Va<56>ej krajine. T<> je nastaven<65> na %1. M<><4D>ete ju zmeni<6E> vo va<76>om %2.<br />Sviatky sa %3 automaticky in<69>taluj<75> z %4. M<><4D>ete to zmeni<6E> v %5.
a non blocking event will not conflict with other events calendar sk Neblokuj<75>ca udalos<6F> nebude v konflikte s ostatn<74>mi udalos<6F>ami
default calendar filter calendar sk Predvolen<65> filter kalend<6E>ra
default calendar view calendar sk Predvolen<65> poh<6F>ad na kalend<6E>r
default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar sk Predvolen<65> d<><64>ka novovytvoren<65>ch udalost<73>, v min<69>tach.
displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar sk Zobrazi<7A> predvolen<65> kalend<6E>r na <20>vodnej str<74>nke (tej, ktor<6F> sa zobrazuje hne<6E> po prihl<68>sen<65> do eGroupWare)?
do you want a weekview with or without weekend? calendar sk <09>el<65>te si t<><74>denn<6E> poh<6F>ad s v<>kendom alebo bez?
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar sk Chcete dost<73>va<76> spr<70>vy, ktor<6F> V<>s upovedomia o nov<6F>ch alebo zmenen<65>ch udalostiach? Budete informovan<61> aj o zmen<65>ch ktor<6F> sami urob<6F>te.<br>Upovedomenia sa daj<61> aj obmedzi<7A> na ur<75>it<69> typy zmien. Ka<4B>d<EFBFBD> prvok obsahuje z<>rove<76> v<>etky predo<64>l<EFBFBD> upovedomenia. V<>etky zmeny zah<61><68>aj<61> zmeny titulku, opisu, <20><>astn<74>kov, ale nie odpovede <20><>astn<74>kov. Ak vlastn<74>k udalosti <20>iada ak<61>ko<6B>vek spr<70>vy o zmen<65>ch, dostane v<>dy aj odozvy <20><>astn<74>kov, napr<70>klad prijatia a odmietnutia.
do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar sk Chcete dost<73>va<76> E-mailom pravideln<6C> s<>hrn va<76>ich sch<63>dzok?<br>S<>hrn sa bude posiela<6C> na va<76>u be<62>n<EFBFBD> adresu ka<6B>d<EFBFBD> r<>no, pr<70>padne v pondelok pre t<><74>denn<6E> s<>hrn.<br>Posiela sa len vtedy, ak m<>te pl<70>novan<61> nejak<61> sch<63>dzky na dan<61> de<64> alebo t<><74>de<64>.
do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin sk M<>m automaticky na<6E><61>tava<76> s<>bory sviatkov?
extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar sk Roz<6F><7A>ren<65> form<72>t obsahuje v<>etky podrobnosti o udalosti. Form<72>t iCal sa d<> importova<76> do niektor<6F>ch <20>al<61><6C>ch kalend<6E>rnych aplik<69>ci<63>.
filename of the download calendar sk N<>zov s<>boru na stiahnutie
find free timeslots where the selected participants are availible for the given timespan calendar sk N<>js<6A> vo<76>n<EFBFBD><20>asov<6F><20>seky, kde s<> v<>etci uveden<65><20><>astn<74>ci vo<76>n<EFBFBD>
for which views should calendar show distinct lines with a fixed time interval. calendar sk Pre ktor<6F> poh<6F>ady m<> kalend<6E>r zobrazova<76> rozli<6C>ovacie <20>iary v pevn<76>ch <20>asov<6F>ch intervaloch.
freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar sk Inform<72>cie o zanepr<70>zdnen<65> nie s<> pr<70>stupn<70> pre neprihl<68>sen<65>ch pou<6F><75>vate<74>ov! Po<50><6F>vate<74> '%1' je nezn<7A>my alebo zadal chybn<62> heslo!!!
groupmember(s) %1 not included, because you have no access. calendar sk <09>lenovia skupiny %1 neboli zahrnut<75>, preto<74>e nem<65>te pr<70>stupov<6F> opr<70>vnenia.
if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar sk Ak za<7A>iarknete toto pole a sviatok pripadne na v<>kend, automaticky se presunie na nasleduj<75>ci pondelok.
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar sk Ak tu nezad<61>te heslo, inform<72>cia sa spr<70>stupn<70> ka<6B>d<EFBFBD>mu kto pozn<7A> URL adresu!!!
make freebusy information available to not loged in persons? calendar sk Spr<70>stupni<6E> inform<72>cie o zanepr<70>zdnen<65> v<>etk<74>m, aj neprihl<68>sen<65>m osob<6F>m?
password for not loged in users to your freebusy information? calendar sk Pr<50>stupov<6F> heslo k inform<72>ci<63>m o zanepr<70>zdnen<65> pre neprihl<68>sen<65> osoby..?
please note: you can configure the field assignments after you uploaded the file. calendar sk Upozornenie: a<> ke<6B> odovzd<7A>te s<>bor, m<><6D>ete nastavi<76> priradenia pol<6F>.
preselected group for entering the planner calendar sk Predvolen<65> skupina pre vstup do pl<70>nova<76>a
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar sk Rok nastavte iba pre jednor<6F>zov<6F> a nepravideln<6C> udalosti.
set new events to private calendar sk Nastav nov<6F> udalosti ako s<>kromn<6D>
should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar sk Maj<61> se odmietnut<75> pozv<7A>nky st<73>le zobrazova<76> v kalend<6E>ri?<br>M<><4D>ete ich prija<6A> nesk<73>r (napr<70>klad ke<6B> sa vyrie<69>i konflikt pl<70>novania), ale len ak s<> st<73>le zobrazen<65> vo va<76>om kalend<6E>ri!
should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is %1. calendar sk Chcete, aby inform<72>cie o Va<56>om zanepr<70>zdnen<65><20>i vo<76>nom <20>ase boli dostupn<70> aj pre neprihl<68>sen<65> osoby? Ak chcete tieto <20>daje chr<68>ni<6E>, m<><6D>ete si nastavi<76> aj dodato<74>n<EFBFBD> heslo, odli<6C>n<EFBFBD> od Va<56>eho be<62>n<EFBFBD>ho hesla. <20>daje s<> vo form<72>te iCal a obsahuj<75> iba <20>asy va<76>ej zanepr<70>zdnenosti, bez zbyto<74>n<EFBFBD>ch podrobnost<73> ako napr. n<>zvov udalost<73>, opisov alebo miest. Odkaz na tieto inform<72>cie je %1.
should the planner display an empty row for users or categories without any appointment. calendar sk Chcete, aby pl<70>nova<76> zobrazoval pr<70>zdny riadok pri pou<6F><75>vate<74>och, ktor<6F> nemaj<61><20>iadnu udalos<6F>?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? calendar sk M<> se za menom pou<6F><75>vate<74>a zobrazova<76> jeho vz<76>ah k udalosti (prijal, odmietol, ...)?
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar sk Otestova<76> import (importovan<61> z<>znamy sa zobrazia <u>len</u> v prehliada<64>i)
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar sk Tento de<64> sa zobrazuje ako prv<72> v t<><74>dennom <20>i mesa<73>nom poh<6F>ade.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar sk Touto hodinou sa kon<6F><6E> denn<6E> poh<6F>ad. Udalosti po tejto hodine se zobrazia a<> za denn<6E>m poh<6F>adom.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar sk Touto hodinou sa za<7A><61>na denn<6E> poh<6F>ad. Udalosti pred touto hodinou se zobrazia pred denn<6E>m poh<6F>adom.<br>Z<>rove<76> sa t<>to hodina pou<6F>ije ako v<>chodzia pre nov<6F> udalosti.
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar sk T<>to skupina bude automaticky vybrat<61> pri vstupe do pl<70>nova<76>a. V pl<70>nova<76>i ju m<><6D>ete zmeni<6E> pod<6F>a <20>ubov<6F>le.
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar sk T<>to spr<70>va sa posiela v<>etk<74>m <20><>astn<74>kom V<><56>ho stretnutia, ktor<6F> po<70>iadali o zasielanie pripomienok o nov<6F>ch udalostiach<br>M<><4D>ete pou<6F>i<EFBFBD> r<>zn<7A> premenn<6E>, ktor<6F> bud<75> nahraden<65> skuto<74>n<EFBFBD>mi <20>dajmi o udalosti.<br>Prv<72> riadok je predmet spr<70>vy.
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar sk T<>to spr<70>va se posiela vtedy, ke<6B> prijmete, predbe<62>ne prijmete <20>i odmietnete udalos<6F> (stretnutie).
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar sk T<>to spr<70>va se posiela vtedy, ke<6B> je nastaven<65> pripomienka nejakej udalosti. Uve<76>te v<>etky <20>daje ktor<6F> m<><6D>ete potrebova<76>.
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar sk Stretnutie, p<>vodne pl<70>novan<61> na %1, bolo prelo<6C>en<65> na %2.