admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin ja 管理者の電子メール・アドレス(コンマ区切りで複数指定可)ブロックされたユーザ・アカウントの通知で使用。空欄=通知無し。
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin ja FTP のMIMEタイプで 'application/octet-stream' の代わりに<br />正しいタイプを使う
cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. "" allows to use the same cookie for and admin ja クッキー・ドメイン。空欄(既定)を指定するとフル・ドメイン名を使用。
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin ja クッキー・パス
could not append message: admin ja メッセージを追加できませんでした:
deny all users access to preferences ? admin ja Deny all users access to preferences
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin ja Description can not exceed 255 characters in length!
destination account #%1 does exist and is not renamed itself! can not merge accounts, it will violate unique contains. delete with transfer of data instead. admin ja Destination account #%1 does exist and is NOT renamed itself! Can not merge accounts, it will violate unique contains. Delete with transfer of data instead.
each value is a line like id[=label], or use @path to read options from a file in egroupware directory admin ja 各値はそれぞれ1行で定義され、行書式は id[=label]。EGroupware ディレクトリ内のファイルからオプションを読み込む場合は @path を使用。
each value is a line like label=[javascript] admin ja 各値は、 label=[javascript] 形式の行です
edit account admin ja アカウントを編集
edit application admin ja アプリケーションを編集
edit email settings admin ja メール設定を編集
edit global category admin ja グローバルカテゴリを編集
edit global category for %1 admin ja %1のグローバルカテゴリを編集
edit group admin ja グループを編集
edit group acl's admin ja グループ ACL を編集
edit peer server admin ja ピア・サーバを編集
edit table format admin ja テーブル書式を編集
edit this category admin ja このカテゴリを編集
edit this group admin ja このグループを編集
edit this user admin ja このユーザを編集
edit user admin ja ユーザを編集
edit user account admin ja アカウントを編集
educational: universities, schools, ... admin ja 教育: 大学, 学校, ...
egroupware directory admin ja EGroupware ディレクトリ
egroupware tutorial admin ja EGroupware チュートリアル
egroupware version admin ja EGroupware バージョン
either install id and config password needed or the remote hash! admin ja Either install ID AND config password needed OR the remote hash!
email account active admin ja Email account active
email address admin ja 電子メール・アドレス
email settings common ja 電子メール設定
emailadmin admin ja eMailAdmin
emailadmin: group assigned profile common ja eMailAdmin: Group assigned profile
emailadmin: user assigned profile common ja eMailAdmin: User assigned profile
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin ja リッチ・テキスト・エディタでスペルチェックを有効化
encrypted connection admin ja 暗号化接続
encryption settings admin ja 暗号化設定
enter a description for the category admin ja カテゴリの説明を入力してください
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin ja Enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption, requires mcrypt
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin ja Enter the full path for users and group files.<br>Examples: /files, E:\FILES
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin ja Enter the full path for users and group files.<br>Examples: /files, E:\FILES
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin ja EGroupware の URL を入力してください。<br>例:<br><b>最後にスラッシュ文字(/)を付けないこと</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin ja Enter the search string. To show all entries, empty this field and press the SUBMIT button again
enter the site password for peer servers admin ja ピア・サーバのパスワードを入力してください
enter the site username for peer servers admin ja ピア・サーバのユーザ名を入力してください
enter the title for your site admin ja サイト・タイトル名を入力してください
enter the title of your logo admin ja ロゴのタイトルを入力してください
enter the url where your logo should link to admin ja ロゴのリンク先URLを入力してください
enter the vfs-path where additional images, icons or logos can be placed (and found by egroupwares applications). the path must start with /,and be readable by all users admin ja 追加画像,アイコン,ロゴ等を置く VFS パスを入力してください。パスは'/'で始まる必要があり、EGroupwareの全アプリケーション、および全ユーザが読み取り可能である必要があります。
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin ja For the times below: empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute.
forbid users to create identities admin ja ユーザが名称を生成することを禁止
force users to change their password regularily?(empty for no,number for after that number of days admin ja 強制的にパスワードを更新する間隔(日)。空欄で無効化
forward also to admin ja Forward also to
forward email's to admin ja メールを転送 転送先:
forward emails to admin ja メールを転送 転送先:
forward only admin ja Forward only
forward only disables imap mailbox / storing of mails and just forwards them to given address. admin ja Forward only disables IMAP mailbox / storing of mails and just forwards them to given address.
go directly to admin menu, returning here the next time you click on administration. admin ja Go directly to admin menu, returning here the next time you click on administration.
governmental: incl. state or municipal authorities or services admin ja 政府: 自治体を含む
grant admin ja 許可
group #%1 must have negative sign! admin ja Group #%1 must have negative sign!
group %1 %2 admin ja Group %1 %2
group '%1' deleted. admin ja グループ '%1' を削除しました。
group ? admin ja グループ?
group csv export admin ja グループ CSV エクスポート
group csv import admin ja グループ CSV インポート
group excepted from above export limit (admins are always excepted) admin ja 上記エクスポート制限を除外するグループ(管理者グループは常に除外)
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin ja Sieveサーバのポートとしてポート5190を指定すると、SieveのSSLが強制されます(サーバがサポートしている必要があります)。
imap server closed the connection. admin ja IMAP server closed the connection.
imap server closed the connection. server responded: %s admin ja IMAP Server closed the connection. Server Responded: %s
imap server hostname or ip address admin ja IMAP server hostname or ip address
imap server logintyp admin ja IMAP server login type
imap server name admin ja IMAP server name
imap server port admin ja IMAP server port
importance admin ja 重要度
in mbyte admin ja in MByte
inactive admin ja 無効
inbound admin ja インバウンド
initial admin ja 初期
install crontab admin ja crontab をインストール
install id admin ja インストールID
installation type admin ja インストール・タイプ
installed applications common ja インストール済みアプリケーション一覧
installed applications, percentage of allowed users and total number of entries. admin ja Installed applications, percentage of allowed users and total number of entries.
number applications serially admin ja Number applications serially
number of active users admin ja アクティブ・ユーザ数
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin ja 複数行項目の行数、または複数セレクトボックスの行数
number of sessions / egroupware logins in the last 30 days admin ja Number of sessions / EGroupware login's in the last 30 days
number of users admin ja ユーザ数
number the applications serially. if they are not numbered serially, sorting the applications could work wrong. this will not change the application's order. admin ja Number the applications serially. If they are not numbered serially, sorting the applications could work wrong. This will not change the application's order.
plesk imap server (courier) admin ja Plesk IMAP サーバー (Courier)
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin ja Plesk メール・スクリプト '%1' が見つかりません!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin ja Plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account name --> password NOT set!
plesk smtp-server (qmail) admin ja Plesk SMTPサーバー (Qmail)
port admin ja ポート
postfix with ldap admin ja Postfix + LDAP
postpone for admin ja 延期
preferences admin ja 設定
primary group admin ja プライマリ・グループ
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions. admin ja Processing of file %1 failed. Failed to meet basic restrictions.
reject passwords containing part of username or full name (3 or more characters long) admin ja ユーザ名の一部または全部を含むパスワードを拒否(3文字以上)
relay access checked admin ja Relay access checked
remote administration instances admin ja リモート管理インスタンス
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin ja Remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under Admin > Site configuration!
removing access for groups may cause problems for data in this category. are you sure? users in these groups may no longer have access: admin ja Removing access for groups may cause problems for data in this category. Are you sure? Users in these groups may no longer have access:
renaming user 'anonymous' will break file sharing and collabora online office! admin ja Renaming user 'anonymous' will break file sharing and Collabora Online Office!
requested admin ja リクエスト済み
required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found. admin ja Required PEAR class Mail/mimeDecode.php not found.
reset filter admin ja フィルターをリセット
rights admin ja 権限
rows admin ja 行
rpm or debian package admin ja RPM または Debian パッケージ
run admin ja 実行
run asynchronous services admin ja 非同期サービスの実行
save of message %1 failed. could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3 admin ja Save of message %1 failed. Could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3
save the category admin ja カテゴリを保存
save the category and return back to the list admin ja 変更を保存して一覧に戻ります。
saves the changes made and leaves admin ja 変更を保存して終了
saves this entry admin ja この項目を保存
saving of message %1 failed. destination folder %2 does not exist. admin ja Saving of message %1 failed. Destination Folder %2 does not exist.
select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin ja Select the parent category. If this is a main category select NO CATEGORY.
select type of imap server admin ja IMAP サーバーのタイプを選択
select type of smtp server admin ja SMTP サーバーのタイプを選択
select users admin ja ユーザを選択
select users for inclusion admin ja 所属するユーザを選択
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin ja ファイル・システム情報の格納/検索場所
the groups must include the primary group admin ja The groups must include the primary group.
the imap server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. please contact your system administrator. admin ja The IMAP server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. Contact your system administrator.
the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admin ja The install ID of an instance can be found under Admin > Site configuration
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin ja 内部名(20文字以下)。これを変更すると既存のデータが利用できなくなります
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin ja テスト・ジョブは実行される度にあなた宛てのメールを送信します。
the text displayed to the user admin ja ユーザに表示されるテキスト
the two passwords are not the same admin ja パスワードが一致しません。
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin ja The users below are still members of group %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin ja There is already a group with this name. User ID's can not have the same name as a group ID.
they must be removed before you can continue admin ja 先に進むには削除する必要があります。
this application is current admin ja This application is current.
this application requires an upgrade admin ja This application requires an upgrade.
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin ja This category is currently being used by applications as a parent category.
this controls exports and merging. admin ja この設定は、エクスポートとマージ印刷に影響します。
this is not a personal mail account!\n\naccount will be deleted for all users!\n\nare you really sure you want to do that? admin ja This is NOT a personal mail account!\n\nAccount will be deleted for ALL users!\n\nAre you really sure you want to do that?
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin ja This PHP has no IMAP support compiled in!!
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin ja Timeout for application session data in seconds. Default 86400 = 1 day
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin ja Timeout for sessions in seconds. Default 14400 = 4 hours
times admin ja 時間条件
to allow us to track the growth of your individual installation use this submit id, otherwise delete it: admin ja あなたのサイトの統計情報を追跡することを私たちに許可する場合は下記の送信IDを使用してください。それ以外の場合は消去してください:
type '%1' already exists !!! admin ja '%1' は既に存在するタイプです!
type of customfield admin ja カスタム・項目のタイプ
type of field admin ja 項目のタイプ
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin ja Under windows you need to install the async service %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. Fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page view!
unknown account: %1 !!! admin ja アカウント %1 は未定義です!
unknown command %1! admin ja %1 は不明なコマンドです!
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin ja 不明な IMAP 応答です。 %s
unknown option %1 admin ja オプション %1 は未定義です!
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin ja アクション '%1' はサポートされません!
using data from mozilla ispdb for provider %1 admin ja Using data from Mozilla ISPDB for provider %1
vacation messages with start- and end-date require an admin account to be set admin ja Vacation messages with start and end date require an admin account to be set!
vacation notice admin ja 休暇案内
value for column %1 is not unique! admin ja カラム %1 の値がユニークではありません!
vfs directory "%1" not found! admin ja VFS ディレクトリ "%1" が見つかりません!
view access log admin ja アクセス・ログを表示
view account admin ja アカウントを表示
view category admin ja カテゴリを表示
view error log admin ja エラー・ログを表示
view sessions admin ja セッション一覧を表示
view this user admin ja このユーザを表示
view user account admin ja ユーザ・アカウントを表示
virtual mail manager admin ja Virtual MAIL ManaGeR
warn users about the need to change their password? the number set here should be lower than the value used to enforce the change of passwords every x days. only effective when enforcing of password change is enabled. (empty for no,number for number of days before they must change) admin ja 強制パスワード変更日の何日前にユーザに通知するか。空欄で通知無し。
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin ja 送信される情報は、全世界でのEGroupwareの利用概観を得るためにのみ使用されます。
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin ja 個人・団体を特定し得るデータについては一切保存しません。
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin ja 削除ユーザの全レコードを転送するユーザを選択してください。
yes, but no scayt admin ja Yes, but no Spell Check As You Type (online)
yes, use browser based spell checking engine admin ja Yes, use browser based spell checking engine
yes, use webspellchecker admin ja Yes, use online WebSpellChecker
you can not use --dry-run together with --skip-checks! admin ja You can NOT use --dry-run together with --skip-checks!
you can only change the hash, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords! admin ja You can change the hash only, if you set a random password or currently use plaintext passwords!
you can use wizard to fix account settings or delete account. admin ja You can use wizard to fix account settings or delete account.
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin ja You have entered an invalid expiration date!
you have no email address for your user set !!! admin ja You have no email address set for your user!
you have received a new message on the admin ja You have received a new message on the
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin ja You have to enter a name, to create a new field!