2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application '%3' and languages '%4' common id %1 (%2 baru) Pesan dituliskan untuk Aplikasi '%3' dan Bahasa '%4'
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
%1 active file(s) with same name as directory inactivated! admin id %1 file aktif dengan nama yang sama dengan folder yang dinonaktifkan!
%1 copied - the copy can now be edited common id %1 disalin - salinan sekarang dapat diedit
%1 directories %2 found! admin id Direktori %1 %2 ditemukan!
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
%1 email addresses inserted common id %1 alamat email disisipkan.
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
%1 email(s) added into %2 common id %1 email ditambahkan ke dalam %2
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
%1 etemplates deleted common id %1 eTemplate dihapus.
%1 etemplates found common id %1 eTemplate ditemukan.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
%1 file common id berkas %1
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common id %1 tidak dapat dijalankan oleh server web!
%1 more %2 selected ... common id %1 lebih banyak %2 yang dipilih ...
%1 more... common id %1 more ...
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
%1 not implemented for %2! common id %1 tidak di-implementasikan untuk %2!
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
%1 proxy of %2 common id %1 proxy dari %2
%1 to sync groupdav id %1 untuk menyinkronkan
%1, duplicate id common id %1, ID duplikat
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
%s disabled common id %s disabled
%s needed common id %s needed
%s notranslation common id %s NoTranslation
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
%s onchange common id %s onchange
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
%s readonly common id %s readonly
'%1' copied to clipboard common id '%1' disalin ke clipboard
2024-09-30 08:17:34 +02:00
'%1' does not match the required pattern '%2' common id '%1' tidak sesuai dengan pola yang diminta ('%2')
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
'%1' has an invalid format common id '%1' memiliki format yang tidak valid
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
'%1' has an invalid format !!! common id '%1' has an invalid format!
2024-09-30 08:17:34 +02:00
'%1' is not a valid app-name ('%2')! common id '%1' BUKAN nama aplikasi yang valid ('%2')!
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
'%1' is not a valid date !!! common id '%1' is not a valid date!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! common id '%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! common id '%1' is not a valid integer!
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
'%1' is not a valid json file! common id '%1' bukan file JSON yang valid
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
'%1' is not a valid timezone! common id '%1' bukan zona waktu yang valid!
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
'%1' is not allowed ('%2')! common id '%1' TIDAK dibolehkan ('%2')!
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
'%1' is not allowed%2)! common id '%1' TIDAK diperbolehkan (%2)!
2024-09-30 08:17:34 +02:00
'%1' must not contain (back)slashes! common id '%1' tidak boleh mengandung garis miring (belakang)!
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
(session restored in %1 seconds) common id Sesi dipulihkan dalam %1 detik.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
00 (disable) admin id 00 (disable)
1 day common id 1 Hari
1 hour common id 1 Jam
2023-02-17 15:48:17 +01:00
1 minute common id 1 menit
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
1 month common id 1 Bulan
1 week common id 1 Minggu
13 (ntp) admin id 13 (ntp)
2023-02-17 15:48:17 +01:00
15 minutes common id 15 menit
2-factor authentication code required common id Diperlukan kode Autentikasi 2 Faktor
2-factor-authentication common id 2 Faktor Autentikasi
2-factor-authentication required common id Diperlukan Autentikasi 2 Faktor
3 minutes common id 3 menit
30 minutes common id 30 menit
30 seconds common id 30 detik
5 minutes common id 5 menit
5 seconds common id 5 detik
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
80 (http) admin id 80 (http)
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
a pattern to be searched for common id pola untuk pencarian
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
a request to the egroupware server returned with an error common id Permintaan ke server EGroupware dikembalikan dengan kesalahan
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz common id ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
abort common id Batalkan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
about common id Tentang
about %1 common id Tentang %1
2017-05-31 13:55:35 +02:00
about egroupware common id Tentang EGroupware
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
access common id Akses
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
access not permitted common id Akses tidak diijinkan.
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
accesskey common id Accesskey
accesskeys can also be specified with an & in the label (eg. &name) common id Accesskeys can also be specified with an & in the label (eg. &Name)
account contactdata common id Datakontak Akoun
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
account has been created common id Akoun telah dibuat.
account has been deleted common id Akoun telah dihapus.
account has been updated common id Akoun telah dikinikan.
account is expired common id Akoun kadaluarsa.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
accounts common id Akoun
acl common id ACL
action common id Tindakan
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
action when category is an email address groupdav id Tindakan ketika kategori adalah alamat email
2013-01-18 14:48:34 +01:00
actions common id Tindakan
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
actions... common id Tindakan ...
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
active common id Aktif
add common id Tambah
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
add %1 common id Tambah %1
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
add %1 category for common id Tambah %1 kategori untuk
2015-01-15 15:53:34 +01:00
add a new contact common id Tambah kontak baru
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
add category common id Tambah kategori
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
add column common id Tambah kolom
2023-05-02 13:16:42 +02:00
add current common id Tampilan saat ini sebagai favorit
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
add index common id Tambah indeks
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
add new common id Tambah baru
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
add shortcut common id Tambah Shortcut
add sub common id Tambah sub
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
add table common id Tambah tabel
2023-05-02 13:16:42 +02:00
add to clipboard common id Tambahkan ke papan klip
2023-11-10 06:44:58 +01:00
add user to responsibles groupdav id Menambahkan pengguna ke penanggung jawab
add user to responsibles, removing evtl. previous category user groupdav id Menambahkan pengguna ke penanggung jawab, mungkin menghapus pengguna kategori sebelumnya
add your domain as "%1" in options to list of email providers and enable api. common id Tambahkan domain Anda sebagai "%1" pada opsi daftar penyedia email dan aktifkan API.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
addressbook common id Buku Alamat
2023-05-02 13:16:42 +02:00
addressbooks to sync in addition to personal addressbook groupdav id Buku alamat untuk disinkronkan selain buku alamat pribadi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
admin common id Admin
2023-11-10 06:44:58 +01:00
admin settings common id Pengaturan admin
2023-05-24 11:52:10 +02:00
admin settings for %1 common id Pengaturan admin untuk %1
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
administration common id Administrasi
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
advanced search common id Pencarian Canggih
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
afghanistan common id AFGHANISTAN
albania common id ALBANIA
algeria common id ALJAZAIR
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
align common id Align
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
all common id Semua
2023-05-02 13:16:42 +02:00
all addressbooks groupdav id Semua buku alamat
2023-05-24 11:52:10 +02:00
all categories common id Semua kategori
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
all days common id Seharian
all fields common id Semua field
2024-11-05 20:16:00 +01:00
all files common id Semua berkas
2023-05-02 13:16:42 +02:00
all in one groupdav id Semua dalam satu
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
all languages common id Semua bahasa
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
all users common id Semua pengguna
2023-11-10 06:44:58 +01:00
allow editing the %1 common id Mengizinkan pengeditan %1
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
allowed file type: %1 common id Tipe yang dibolehkan: %1
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
alternate style-sheet: common id Alternate style-sheet:
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
am common id am
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
american samoa common id SAMOA AMERIKA
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
an error happened common id Terjadi kesalahan!
2013-01-18 14:48:34 +01:00
and common id Dan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
andorra common id ANDORA
angola common id ANGOLA
anguilla common id ANGUILA
2023-08-24 12:12:36 +02:00
answering no will not ask you again for this browser. common id Jika Anda menjawab tidak, Anda tidak akan lagi diminta untuk menggunakan browser ini.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
antarctica common id ANTARTIKA
antigua and barbuda common id ANTIGUA DAN BARBUDA
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
api common id EGroupware API
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
api-accounts common id Akun pengguna
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
application common id Aplikasi
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! common id Perlu nama Aplikasi untuk menuliskan berkas bahasa atau menuangkan eTemplate!
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
applications common id Aplikasi
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
applies the changes made common id Terapkan perubahan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
apply common id Terapkan
2025-01-12 10:40:51 +01:00
apps & license common id Aplikasi & Lisensi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
april common id April
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common id Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus entri-entri ini?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common id Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus entri ini?
are you sure you want to logout? common id Apakah Anda yakin ingin logout?
are you sure, you would like to delete the backup key? common id Apakah Anda yakin, Anda ingin menghapus kunci cadangan?
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
argentina common id ARGENTINA
armenia common id ARMENIA
aruba common id ARUBA
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
as default common id Sebagai bawaan
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
attach common id Lampiran
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
attach file common id Lampirkan berkas
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
attachment common id Lampiran
2023-02-17 15:48:17 +01:00
attention: action will be applied to all rows, not only visible ones! api id Perhatian: tindakan akan diterapkan ke semua baris, tidak hanya yang terlihat!
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
august common id Agustus
australia common id AUSTRALIA
austria common id AUSTRIA
2023-02-17 15:48:17 +01:00
authenticate common id Autentikasi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
author common id Penulis
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
automatic update check failed, you need to check manually! common id Pemeriksaan pembaruan otomatis gagal, Anda perlu memeriksa secara manual!
autosave default category common id Simpan otomatis Kategori Bawaan.
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
avatar common id Avatar
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
azerbaijan common id AZERBAIJAN
back common id Kembali
background color: common id Warna Belakang:
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
backup key common id Kunci Cadangan
backup/restore common id Pencadangan/Pemulihan
backup/restore ... common id Pencadangan/Pemulihan ...
bad login or password common id Login atau kata sandi salah.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
bahamas common id BAHAMA
bahrain common id BAHRAIN
bangladesh common id BANGLADESH
barbados common id BARBADOS
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
baseline common id Baseline
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
bcc common id BCC
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
before proceeding further, we do highly recommend you to watch this short video, to see how mailvelope plugin works with egroupware. common id Sebelum melangkah lebih jauh, kami sangat menyarankan Anda untuk menonton video singkat ini, untuk melihat bagaimana plugin Mailvelope bekerja dengan EGroupware.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
belarus common id BELARUSIA
belgium common id BELGIA
belize common id BELIZE
benin common id BENIN
bermuda common id BERMUDA
bhutan common id BHUTAN
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
blocked, too many attempts common id Diblokir, terlalu banyak upaya.
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
blurtext common id blurText
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
bold common id Bold
bolivia common id BOLIVIA
border common id Border
bosnia and herzegovina common id BOSNIA DAN HERZEGOVINA
botswana common id BOTSWANA
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
bottom common id Bottom
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
bouvet island common id KEPULAUAN BOUVET
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
box common id Box
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
box... common id Kotak ...
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
brazil common id BRASIL
british indian ocean territory common id TERITORI SAMUDERA INDIA INGGRIS
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
browser %1 %2 is not recommended. you may experience issues and not working features. please use the latest version of chrome, firefox or edge. thank you! common id Browser %1 %2 tidak disarankan. Anda mungkin mengalami masalah dan fitur yang tidak berfungsi. Silakan gunakan versi terbaru Chrome, Firefox atau Edge. Terima kasih!
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
brunei darussalam common id BRUNEI DARUSALAM
bulgaria common id BULGARIA
bulgarian common id Bulgaria
burkina faso common id BURKINA FASO
burundi common id BURUNDI
calendar common id Kalender
cambodia common id KAMBOJA
cameroon common id KAMERUN
canada common id KANADA
cancel common id Batal
cape verde common id CAPE VERDE
caption common id Caption
categories common id Kategori
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
categories for common id Kategori untuk
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
category common id Kategori
category %1 has been added ! common id Kategori %1 telah ditambahkan!
category %1 has been updated ! common id Kategori %1 telah dikinikan!
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
category tree common id Pohon Kategori
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
cayman islands common id KEPULAUAN CAYMAN
cc common id CC
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
cells common id Cells
center common id Tengah
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
centered common id Tengah
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
central african republic common id REPUBLIK AFRIKA TENGAH
chad common id CHAD
change common id Perubahan
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
changed common id Diubah
2024-09-30 08:17:34 +02:00
changes that you made may not be saved. common id Perubahan yang Anda buat mungkin tidak tersimpan.
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
charset common id Aksara
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
check all common id Contreng semua
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
check for empty values in if statements. example {{if url~empty~~website:}} - if url is not empty, writes "website:" common id Periksa nilai kosong dalam pernyataan IF. Contoh {{IF url~KOSONG~~Situs Web:}} - Jika url tidak kosong, tulis "Website:"
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
check installation common id Cek instalasi
check now common id Cek Sekarang
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
checkbox common id Checkbox
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
chile common id CHILI
china common id CHINA
choose the category common id Pilih kategori
2023-02-17 15:48:17 +01:00
choose the default filename for merged documents. preferences id Memilih nama file default untuk dokumen yang digabungkan.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
christmas island common id KEPULAUAN NATAL
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
class common id Class
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
class, valign common id Class, Valign
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
clear common id Bersihkan
clear form common id Kosongkan Form
click common id Klik
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
click here to attach the file common id Klik disini untuk melampirkan berkas
click here to create the link common id Klik disini untuk membuat tautan
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
click here to start the search common id Klik disini untuk memulai pencarian
click here to upload the file common id Klik disini untuk mengunggah berkas
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
clickable path common id Clickable path
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
clients not explicitly stating a limit get limited to these many days. a too high limit may cause problems with some clients. groupdav id Klien yang tidak secara eksplisit menyatakan batasnya akan dibatasi hingga beberapa hari. Batas yang terlalu tinggi dapat menyebabkan masalah pada beberapa klien.
clipboard contents common id Isi clipboard
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
close common id Tutup
close sidebox common id Tutup sidebox
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
closes the window without saving the changes common id Tutup jendela tanpa menyimpan perubahan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
cocos (keeling) islands common id KEPULAUAN COCOS (KEELING)
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
code common id Kode
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
collection empty. common id Koleksi kosong.
collection listing common id Daftar Koleksi
colombia common id KOLOMBIA
2023-02-17 15:48:17 +01:00
colour common id Warna
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
column... common id Kolom ...
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
columnname common id Nama Kolom
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
columns to print common id Kolom yang akan dicetak
command ⌘ common id Perintah ⌘
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
comment common id Komentar
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
common preferences common id Kesukaan Bersama
comoros common id KOMORO
company common id Kompani
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
confirm common id konfirmasi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
congo common id KONGO
congo, the democratic republic of the common id REPUBLIK DEMOKRATIK KONGO
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
contact common id Kontak
contact field to show common id Field Kontak untuk ditampilkan
contact fields common id Field Kontak
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
contacting server... common id Menghubungi Server ...
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
contains common id Mengandung
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
content type common id Content type
cook islands common id KEPULAUAN COOK
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
cookies are required to login to this site login id Cookie diperlukan untuk masuk ke situs ini
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
copy common id Salin
2023-02-17 15:48:17 +01:00
copy "%1" common id Salin "%1"
copy of: common id Salinan dari:
copy to common id Salin ke
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
copy to clipboard common id Salin ke klipbord
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
costa rica common id KOSTA RIKA
cote d ivoire common id PANTAI GADING
create common id Bikin
2023-02-17 15:48:17 +01:00
create directory common id Membuat folder
create link common id Membuat tautan
created common id Membuat
created by common id Dibuat oleh
created by %1 common id Dibuat oleh %1
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
creator preferences id Creator
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
croatia common id KROASIA
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
css properties common id Properti CSS
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
css-styles common id Gaya-CSS
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
cuba common id KUBA
currency common id Matauang
current common id Current
current users common id Pengguna saat ini
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
custom common id Kustom
custom fields common id Bidang khusus
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
cut common id Cut
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
cyprus common id SIPRUS
czech republic common id REPUBLIK CESNYA
2023-02-17 15:48:17 +01:00
dark mode common id Mode gelap
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
database error common id Database error
database error! common id Database error!
date common id Tanggal
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
date + time common id Tanggal + Waktu
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
date due common id Tanggal Berakhir
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
date+time common id Tanggal+Waktu
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
day common id Hari
days common id hari
db-tools common id DB-Tools
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
december common id Desember
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
deck common id Deck (internal)
default common id Bawaan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
default category common id Kategori Bawaan
delete common id Hapus
2013-01-18 14:48:34 +01:00
delete category common id Hapus kategori
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
delete column common id Hapus Kolom
delete index common id Hapus Indeks
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
delete row common id Hapus baris
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
delete the spezified etemplate common id Hapus eTemplate tersebut
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
delete this column common id Hapus kolom ini
2013-01-18 14:48:34 +01:00
delete this entry common id Hapus entri ini
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
delete this etemplate common id Hapus eTemplat ini
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
delete this file common id Hapus berkas ini
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
delete this row common id Hapus baris ini
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) common id Hapus seluruh kolom
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
deletes this column common id Hapus kolom ini.
deletes this index common id Hapus indeks ini.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
denmark common id DENMARK
description common id Uraian
detail common id Detil
details common id Detil
directory common id Direktori
2025-01-12 10:40:51 +01:00
directory for storing merged documents preferences id Folder untuk menyimpan dokumen yang digabungkan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
disabled common id Disabled
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
discard changes common id Buang pengubahan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
djibouti common id DJIBOUTI
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
do you want to save the changes you made in table %s? common id Anda ingin menyimpan perubahan ke tabel %s?
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
doctype: common id DOCTYPE:
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! preferences id Dokumen '%1' tidak ada atau tidak terbaca oleh anda!
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
document properties common id Properti Dokumen
document title: common id Judul Dokumen:
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
documentation common id Dokumentasi
2024-12-14 10:36:56 +01:00
documents common id Dokumen
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
doesn't matter common id Tidak penting
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
domain common id Domain
domestic common id Domestik
dominica common id DOMINIKA
dominican republic common id REPUBLIK DOMINIKA
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
don't ask again! common id Jangan tanya lagi!
2025-01-12 10:40:51 +01:00
don't show this again common id Jangan tampilkan ini lagi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
done common id Selesai
2013-01-18 14:48:34 +01:00
download common id Unduh
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
drop table common id Buang Tabel
dump4setup common id Dump4Setup
duration common id Durasi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
e-mail common id E-Mail
east timor common id TIMOR LESTE
eastern european common id Eropa Timur
ecuador common id EKUADOR
edit common id Edit
edit %1 category for common id Edit kategori %1 untuk
2025-01-12 10:40:51 +01:00
edit avatar common id Edit avatar
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
edit categories common id Edit Kategori
edit category common id Edit kategori
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
edit... common id Edit ...
2017-05-31 13:55:35 +02:00
egroupware common id EGroupware
2025-01-12 10:40:51 +01:00
egroupware administrators group, do not delete common id Grup administrator EGroupware, JANGAN hapus
egroupware all users group, do not delete common id Grup semua pengguna EGroupware, JANGAN hapus
egroupware anonymous users group, do not delete common id Grup pengguna anonim EGroupware, JANGAN hapus
2017-05-31 13:55:35 +02:00
egroupware api version common id Versi API EGroupware
2025-01-12 10:40:51 +01:00
egroupware maintenance update %1 available common id Pembaruan pemeliharaan EGroupware %1 tersedia
egroupware security update %1 needs to be installed! common id Pembaruan keamanan EGroupware %1 perlu diinstal!
2015-01-15 15:53:34 +01:00
egroupware version common id Versi EGroupware
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
egypt common id MESIR
el salvador common id EL SALVADOR
email common id E-Mail
2024-12-14 10:36:56 +01:00
emails common id Email
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
enabled common id Enabled
end date common id Tanggal berakhir
end time common id Waktu berakhir
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
enter a search pattern common id Masukan pola pencarian
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
entry not found! common id Entri tidak ditemukan!
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
entry saved common id Entri disimpan
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
entry updated sucessfully common id Entri sukses dikinikan.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
equatorial guinea common id GUINEA KHATULISTIWA
eritrea common id ERITREA
error common id Error
estonia common id ESTONIA
etag common id ETag
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
etemplate common id eTemplate
etemplate '%1' imported, use save to put it in the database common id eTemplate '%1' diimpor, gunakan [Simpan] untuk menyimpan ke database
etemplate '%1' written to '%2' common id eTemplate '%1' dituliskan ke '%2'
etemplate editor common id Editor eTemplate
etemplate reference common id Referensi eTemplate
etemplate tutorial common id Tutorial eTemplate
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
ethiopia common id ETHIOPIA
everything common id Segalanya
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
exact common id Eksak
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. preferences id Contoh {{IF n_awalan ~ Bapak ~ Halo Pak ~ Halo Bu}} - cari di kolom "n_prefix", untuk "Mr", jika ditemukan, tulis Hello Mr, jika tidak, tulis Hello Ms.
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is empty for example preferences id Contoh {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Memberikan awalan huruf tanpa spasi ganda, jika judulnya kosong misalnya
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example common id Contoh {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Memberikan awalan huruf tanpa spasi ganda, jika judulnya kosong misalnya
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role preferences id Contoh {{NELF role}} - jika field role tidak kosong, Anda akan mendapatkan baris baru dengan nilai field role
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field preferences id Contoh {{nenvlf role}} - jika peran ruas tidak kosong, tetapkan LF tanpa nilai ruas apa pun
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
export xml common id Ekspor XML
extensions loaded: common id Ekstensi dimuat:
2015-01-15 15:53:34 +01:00
failed to change password. common id Gagal mengubah password.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
falkland islands (malvinas) common id KEPULAUAN FALKLAND (MALVINAS)
faroe islands common id KEPULAUAN FAROE
2015-01-15 15:53:34 +01:00
favorites common id Favorit
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
fax number common id Nomor fax
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
february common id Pebruari
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
field common id Field
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
field must not be empty !!! common id Field tidak boleh kosong!
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
fields common id Field
fiji common id FIJI
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
file common id Berkas
file '%1' not found! common id Berkas '%1' tidak ditemukan!
2023-08-24 12:12:36 +02:00
file a file common id Menyimpan file
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
file is of wrong type (%1 != %2)! common id Salah tipe berkas (%1 != %2 )!
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
file writen common id Berkas dituliskan.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
files common id Berkas
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
fileupload common id Unggah Berkas
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
filter common id Saringan
finland common id FINLANDIA
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
first common id Awal
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
first name common id Nama depan
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common id Nama depan pengguna, mis. "%1"
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
first page common id Halaman awal
firstname common id Namadepan
fixme! common id FIXME!
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
floating point common id Floating Point
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
folder already exists. common id Folder sudah ada!
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
force selectbox common id Force SelectBox
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
foreign key common id Foreign Key
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
forever common id Selamanya
2023-08-24 12:12:36 +02:00
formatted business address common id Alamat bisnis yang diformat
formatted private address common id Alamat pribadi yang diformat
formatted text (html) common id Teks yang diformat (HTML)
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
france common id PERANCIS
french guiana common id GUYANA PERANCIS
french polynesia common id POLYNESIA PERANCIS
french southern territories common id TERITORI SELATAN PERANCIS
friday common id Jumat
ftp common id FTP
fullname common id Namalengkap
2023-08-24 12:12:36 +02:00
fullscreen common id Layar penuh
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
fullscreen mode common id Mode Layarpenuh
gabon common id GABON
gambia common id GAMBIA
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
general fields: preferences id Field Umum:
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
general menu common id Menu Umum
georgia common id GEORGIA
german common id Jerman
germany common id JERMAN
ghana common id GHANA
gibraltar common id GIBRALTAR
global common id Global
global public common id Global Publik
grant access common id Berikan Akses
greece common id YUNANI
greek common id Yunani
greenland common id GREENLAND
grenada common id GRENADA
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
grid common id Grid
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
group common id Kelompok
group access common id Akses Kelompok
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
group has been added common id Kelompok telah dibuat.
group has been deleted common id Kelompok telah dihapus.
group has been updated common id Kelompok telah dikinikan.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
group name common id Nama kelompok
group public common id Kelompok Publik
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
groupbox common id GroupBox
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
groupdav common id Sinkronisasi CalDAV / CardDAV
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
groups common id Kelompok
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
groups with permission for %1 common id Grup dengan izin untuk %1
groups without permission for %1 common id Grup tanpa izin untuk %1
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
guadeloupe common id GUADELOUPE
guam common id GUAM
guatemala common id GUATEMALA
guinea common id GUINEA
guinea-bissau common id GUINEA-BISSAU
guyana common id GUYANA
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
h common id h
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
haiti common id HAITI
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
hbox common id HBox
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
heard island and mcdonald islands common id PULAU HEARD DAN KEPULAUAN MCDONALD
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
height common id Height
height, disabled common id Height, Disabled
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
help common id Bantuan
high common id Tinggi
highest common id Tertinggi
2023-02-28 09:27:00 +01:00
history common id Sejarah
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
history log common id Log Riwayat
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
holy see (vatican city state) common id HOLY SEE (NEGARA KOTA VATICAN)
home common id Beranda
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
home email common id E-Mail rumah
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
home screen common id Layar Utama
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
honduras common id HONDURAS
hong kong common id HONG KONG
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
horizontal rule common id Horizontal Rule
hour common id Jam
hours common id jam
2023-02-28 09:27:00 +01:00
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav id Berapa hari yang akan disinkronkan di masa mendatang (default %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav id Berapa hari yang akan disinkronkan di masa lalu (default %1)
how many rows to print common id Berapa banyak baris yang akan dicetak
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
html common id HTML
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
html links to any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files common id Tautan HTML ke entri apa pun yang ditautkan ke rekaman saat ini, tidak termasuk berkas yang dilampirkan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
hungary common id HONGARIA
iceland common id ISLANDIA
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
id common id ID
2023-05-02 13:16:42 +02:00
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common id Jika Anda menggunakan "Autentikasi 2 Faktor", masukkan kode di sini.
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
image common id Image
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
image url common id Image URL
2024-12-14 10:36:56 +01:00
images common id Gambar
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
import common id Impor
import xml common id Impor XML
2023-05-02 13:16:42 +02:00
include access to any linked files (links tab) common id Menyertakan akses ke file yang ditautkan (tab Tautan)
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
indexed common id Indexed
indexoptions common id Indexoptions
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
india common id INDIA
indonesia common id INDONESIA
2023-05-02 13:16:42 +02:00
infolog types to sync common id Jenis InfoLog yang akan disinkronkan
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
initial common id Initial
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
insert column after common id Sisipkan kolom setelah
insert column before common id Sisipkan kolom sebelum
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
insert in document common id Sisipkan dalam dokumen
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
insert row after common id Sisipkan baris setelah
insert row before common id Sisipkan baris sebelum
2023-02-17 15:48:17 +01:00
insert timestamp into description field common id Masukkan cap waktu ke dalam bidang deskripsi
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
install common id Instal
2023-08-24 12:12:36 +02:00
install egroupware as mail-handler? common id Menginstal EGroupware sebagai penangan surat?
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
integer common id Integer
2013-01-18 14:48:34 +01:00
international common id Internasional
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
invalid email common id Email tidak valid
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
invalid filename common id Nama berkas salah.
invalid ip address common id Alamat IP salah.
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common id Token 'ingat saya' tidak valid atau kedaluwarsa
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
invalid password common id Password salah
iran, islamic republic of common id IRAN
iraq common id IRAK
ireland common id IRLANDIA
israel common id ISRAEL
italic common id Italic
italy common id ITALIA
jamaica common id JAMAIKA
january common id Januari
japan common id JEPANG
japanese common id Jepang
jordan common id YORDANIA
july common id Juli
jun common id Jun
june common id Juni
justify center common id Rata Tengah
justify full common id Rata Penuh
justify left common id Rata Kiri
justify right common id Rata Kanan
kazakstan common id KAZAKSTAN
kenya common id KENYA
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
key common id Key
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
keywords common id Katakunci
kiribati common id KIRIBATI
korea, democratic peoples republic of common id KOREA UTARA
korea, republic of common id KOREA SELATAN
korean common id Korea
kuwait common id KUWAIT
kyrgyzstan common id KYRGYZSTAN
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
label common id Label
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
label:[bold][italic] text:[len][,max] numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] t.area:[rows][,cols] radiob.:value h.rule:[width] templ.:[indexincontent] select:[multiselect] date:[values: eg. 'y-m-d'] common id Label:[bold][italic] Text:[len][,max] Numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] T.area:[rows][,cols] Radiob.:value H.Rule:[width] Templ.:[IndexInContent] Select:[multiselect] Date:[values: eg. 'Y-m-d']
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
lang common id Bahasa
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
language common id Bahasa
lao peoples democratic republic common id LAOS
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
last common id Akhir
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
last modified common id Pengubahan terakhir
last name common id Nama belakang
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
last name of the user, eg. "%1" common id Nama belakang pengguna, mis. "%1"
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
last page common id Halaman akhir
lastname common id Namabelakang
latvia common id LATVIA
ldap-mgr common id LDAP-Manager
lebanon common id LEBANON
left common id Kiri
lesotho common id LESOTHO
liberia common id LIBERIA
libyan arab jamahiriya common id LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
license common id Lisensi
liechtenstein common id LIECHTENSTEIN
2023-02-17 15:48:17 +01:00
light mode common id Mode terang
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
link common id Tautan
2024-11-05 20:16:00 +01:00
link to each entry common id Tautan ke setiap entri
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
linkapps common id Tautkan aplikasi
linkentry common id Entri tautan
linklist common id Daftar tautan
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
links and attached files preferences id Tautan dan berkas yang dilampirkan
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
linkstring common id LinkString
linkto common id LinkTo
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
list common id Daftar
list members common id Daftar anggota
lithuania common id LITHUANIA
2015-01-15 15:53:34 +01:00
load common id Muatkan
2024-11-05 20:16:00 +01:00
load more links ... common id Memuat lebih banyak pranala ...
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
load this template into the editor common id Muatkan templat ini ke editor
loading common id Memuatkan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
local common id Lokal
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
locations common id Lokasi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
login common id Masuk
2023-05-24 11:52:10 +02:00
login rejected by epl firewall, please contact your administrator common id Login ditolak oleh firewall EGroupware, silakan hubungi administrator Anda.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
loginid common id LoginID
logout common id Keluar
lost login id common id Lupa LoginID
lost password common id Lupa password
low common id Rendah
lowest common id Terendah
luxembourg common id LUXEMBOURG
macau common id MACAU
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common id MACEDONIA, BEKAS REPUBLIK YUGOSLAVIA
madagascar common id MADAGASKAR
2023-05-24 11:52:10 +02:00
mailvelope addon installation failed! please try again. common id Instalasi addon amplop surat gagal! Silakan coba lagi.
mailvelope addon installation succeded. now you may configure the options. common id Instalasi addon Mailvelope berhasil. Sekarang Anda dapat mengkonfigurasi opsi.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
main category common id Kategori Utama
maintainer common id Pemelihara
malawi common id MALAWI
malaysia common id MALAYSIA
maldives common id MALADEWA
mali common id MALI
malta common id MALTA
march common id Maret
marshall islands common id KEPULAUAN MARSHALL
martinique common id MARTINIQUE
mauritania common id MAURITANIA
mauritius common id MAURITIUS
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
maximum size for uploads filemanager id Ukuran unggah maksimum
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
may common id Mei
mayotte common id MAYOTTE
medium common id Medium
menu common id Menu
2024-11-05 20:16:00 +01:00
merge common id Gabungkan
merge & send common id Gabungkan & kirim
merge individually common id Gabungkan satu per satu
merge options common id Opsi penggabungan
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
merged document filename preferences id Nama file dokumen yang digabungkan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
message common id Pesan
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
message ... common id Pesan ...
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
mexico common id MEKSIKO
micronesia, federated states of common id FEDERASI NEGARA MICRONESIA
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
middle common id Middle
minute common id Menit
minutes common id Menit
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
missing: %1 common id Hilang: %1
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
moldova, republic of common id REPUBLIK MOLDOVA
monaco common id MONACO
monday common id Senin
mongolia common id MONGOLIA
montenegro common id MONTENEGRO
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
month common id Bulan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
montserrat common id MONTSERRAT
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
more common id Lagi
more than 1 match for '%1' common id Lebih dari 1 kecocokan untuk '%1'
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
morocco common id MAROKO
2023-08-24 12:12:36 +02:00
move common id Pindah
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin id Memindahkan %1 anak dari folder fs_id=%2 ke %3
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin id Memindahkan%1%2 yang tidak terhubung ke%3.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
mozambique common id MOZAMBIQUE
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
multicolumn indices common id Multicolumn Indices
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
multiple common id Jamak
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
my account common id Akun Saya
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
myanmar common id MYANMAR
name common id Nama
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
name of the user, eg. "%1" common id Nama pengguna, mis. "%1"
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
namibia common id NAMIBIA
nauru common id NAURU
nepal common id NEPAL
netherlands common id BELANDA
netherlands antilles common id ANTILLES BELANDA
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
never common id Never
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
new common id Baru
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
new caledonia common id KALEDONIA BARU
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
new egroupware release %1 available common id Rilis EGroupware baru %1 tersedia
new entry added sucessfully common id Entri baru berhasil ditambahkan.
new favorite common id Favorit baru
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
new main category common id Kategori Utama baru
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
new password common id Kata sandi baru
new search common id Pencarian baru
new table created common id Tabel baru dibuat
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
new value common id Nilai Baru
new zealand common id SELANDIA BARU
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
newer version '%1' exists !!! common id tersedia versi '%1' terbaru!
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
next common id Lanjut
next page common id Halaman selanjutnya
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
nextmatch common id Nextmatch
nextmatch accountfilter common id Nextmatch Accountfilter
nextmatch custom filterheader common id Nextmatch Custom Filterheader
nextmatch filterheader common id Nextmatch Filterheader
nextmatch header common id Nextmatch Header
nextmatch sortheader common id Nextmatch Sortheader
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
nicaragua common id NIKARAGUA
niger common id NIGER
nigeria common id NIGERIA
niue common id NIUE
no common id Tidak
2015-01-15 15:53:34 +01:00
no - cancel common id Tidak - Batal
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
no default set common id Tidak ada set default
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
no entries found, try again ... common id Tiada entri ditemukan, coba lagi ...
no file common id Tiada berkas
2023-05-02 13:16:42 +02:00
no filters common id Tidak ada filter
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
no key for recipient: common id Tidak ada kunci untuk penerima:
no matches found common id Tiada yang cocok.
no response from server: your data is probably not saved common id Tidak ada respons dari server: data Anda mungkin TIDAK disimpan.
no results match common id Tidak ada hasil yang cocok
no rights to export more than %1 entries! common id Tidak ada hak untuk mengekspor lebih dari %1 entri!
no row to swap with !!! common id Tidak ada baris untuk ditukar!
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
no subject common id Tanpa Subyek
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
no suggestions common id Tidak ada saran
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
none common id Tiada
norfolk island common id KEPULAUAN NORFOLK
normal common id Normal
northern mariana islands common id KEPULAUAN MARIANA UTARA
norway common id NORWEGIA
not common id not
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
not a user yet? register now common id Belum menjadi pengguna? Daftar sekarang.
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
not assigned common id Tidak ditugaskan
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
not null common id NOT NULL
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
note common id Catatan
notes common id Catatan
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
nothing common id Tiada
nothing found - try again !!! common id Tiada ditemukan - coba lagi!
notifications common id Notifikasi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
notify window common id Jendela Pemberitahuan
november common id November
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
now common id Sekarang
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
october common id Oktober
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
of common id dari
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
ok common id OK
old value common id Nilai Lama
oman common id OMAN
on mouse over common id On Mouse Over
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
onchange common id onchange
onclick common id onclick
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
only private common id Hanya privat
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
only supported by a few fully conformant clients (eg. from apple). if you have to enter a url, it will most likely not be supported! groupdav id Hanya didukung oleh beberapa klien yang sepenuhnya sesuai (misalnya dari Apple). Jika Anda harus memasukkan URL, kemungkinan besar URL tersebut tidak didukung!
only yours common id Hanya milik anda
2013-01-18 14:48:34 +01:00
open common id Open
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
open existing contact common id Buka kontak yang ada
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
open notify window common id Buka jendela pemberitahuan
open popup window common id Buka jendela popup
2024-12-14 10:36:56 +01:00
open the online help. common id Buka bantuan online
2025-01-12 10:40:51 +01:00
openidconnect login successful, but user '%1' does not exist in egroupware, and automatic user creating is disabled! common id Login OpenID Connect berhasil, namun pengguna '%1' TIDAK ada di EGroupware, DAN pembuatan pengguna otomatis dinonaktifkan!
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
operator common id Operator
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
optional note about the link common id Catatan opsional untuk tautan
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
options common id Options
2013-01-18 14:48:34 +01:00
or common id or
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
order to navigating by tab key through the form common id Urutan untuk menavigasi dengan tombol tab melalui formulir
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
ordered list common id Daftar Teratur
original common id Asal-Muasal
other common id Lainnya
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
overflow common id Overflow
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
overview common id Sekilas
owner common id Pemilik
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
ownership common id Kepemilikan
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
padding common id Padding
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
page common id Halaman
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
page was generated in %1 seconds common id Halaman dibuat dalam %1 detik
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
pakistan common id PAKISTAN
palau common id PALAU
palestinian territory, occupied common id PALESTINA
panama common id PANAMA
papua new guinea common id PAPUA NUGINI
paraguay common id PARAGUAY
parcel common id Parsel
password common id Password
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
password must have at least %1 characters common id Kata sandi harus terdiri dari setidaknya %1 karakter.
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
paste common id Tempel
path common id Path
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
permission denied! common id Izin ditolak!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common id Izin ditolak! Ini adalah fitur khusus administrasi.
permisson denied! common id Izin ditolak!
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
personal common id Pribadi
peru common id PERU
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
pg down common id Halaman turun
pg up common id Halaman atas
pgp encryption common id Enkripsi PGP
pgp encryption installation common id Instalasi Enkripsi PGP
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
philippines common id FILIPINA
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
phone number common id Nomor telepon
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
pitcairn common id PITCAIRN
2023-05-02 13:16:42 +02:00
placeholders common id Penampung
play/pause common id Putar/Jeda
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
please enter a name common id Mohon masukan nama!
please reload the egroupware desktop (f5 / cmd+r). common id Muat ulang desktop EGroupware (F5 / Ctrl+R).
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
please remember to use '%1' as username for local login's from now on! common id Harap ingat untuk menggunakan '%1' sebagai nama pengguna untuk login lokal mulai sekarang!
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
please select common id Pilihlah
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
please type %1 more characters common id Silakan ketik %1 karakter lagi
please type 1 more character common id Silakan ketik 1 karakter lagi
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
please wait... common id Tunggu ...
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
pm common id pm
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
poland common id POLANDIA
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
popup common id Popup
2015-01-15 15:53:34 +01:00
popup with search common id Popup dengan pencarian
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
portugal common id PORTUGAL
postal common id Pos
powered by common id Digerakan oleh
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
precision common id Precision
2023-05-02 13:16:42 +02:00
preference common id Preferensi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
preferences common id Kesukaan
previous page common id Halaman Sebelumnya
2013-01-18 14:48:34 +01:00
primary group common id Kelompok utama
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
primary key common id Primary Key
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
primary style-sheet: common id Primary style-sheet:
print common id Cetak
priority common id Prioritas
private common id Privat
programs common id Program
project common id Proyek
properties common id Properti
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
public common id Publik
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
puerto rico common id PUERTO RICO
qatar common id QATAR
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
radiobutton common id Radiobutton
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
read common id Baca
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
reading common id Membaca
readonly common id Hanyabaca
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
refresh common id Refresh
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
register common id Daftar
regular common id Reguler
reject common id Tolak
remember me common id Ingat saya
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
remember me for %1 common id Ingat saya untuk %1
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
remove selected accounts common id Buang akoun terpilih
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
remove shortcut common id Buang Shortcut
rename common id Ubah
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
repeat password common id Ulangi kata sandi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
replace common id Ganti
replace with common id Ganti dengan
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
required common id Diperlukan
reset common id Reset
2013-02-08 20:03:20 +01:00
resources common id Sumberdaya
2013-01-18 14:48:34 +01:00
restore failed common id Restore failed
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
reunion common id REUNION
right common id Kanan
romania common id RUMANIA
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
row... common id Baris...
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
russian common id Rusia
russian federation common id FEDERASI RUSIA
rwanda common id RWANDA
saint helena common id SAINT HELENA
saint kitts and nevis common id SAINT KITTS DAN NEVIS
saint lucia common id SAINT LUCIA
saint pierre and miquelon common id SAINT PIERRE DAN MIQUELON
saint vincent and the grenadines common id SAINT VINCENT DAN THE GRENADINES
samoa common id SAMOA
san marino common id SAN MARINO
sao tome and principe common id SAO TOME DAN PRINCIPE
saturday common id Sabtu
saudi arabia common id ARAB SAUDI
save common id Simpan
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
save all common id Simpan semuanya
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
save as common id Simpan sebagai
2024-11-05 20:16:00 +01:00
save as pdf common id Simpan sebagai PDF
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
save as zip common id Simpan sebagai ZIP
save the changes made and close the window common id Simpan perubahan dan tutup
2023-02-17 15:48:17 +01:00
saved column sizes to preferences. common id Menyimpan ukuran kolom ke preferensi.
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
scale common id Skala
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
search common id Cari
search %1 '%2' common id Mencari %1 '%2'
search accounts common id Cari akoun
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
search for '%1' common id Mencari '%1'
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
search or select accounts common id Cari atau pilih akoun
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
second common id detik
section common id Seksi
select common id Pilih
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
select a category common id Pilih Kategori
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
select access common id Pilih Akses
select account common id Pilih Akoun
2013-01-18 14:48:34 +01:00
select action common id Pilih tindakan
2015-01-15 15:53:34 +01:00
select all common id Pilih semua
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
select all %1 %2 for %3 common id Pilih semua %1 %2 untuk %3
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
select application common id Pilih Aplikasi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
select category common id Pilih Kategori
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
select columns common id Pilih kolom
select country common id Pilih Negara
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
select date common id Pilih tanggal
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
select day common id Pilih Hari
select entry common id Pilih entri
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
select files from filemanager ... common id Pilih file dari Manajer File ...
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
select group common id Pilih kelompok
select home email address common id Pilih alamat email rumah
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
select hour common id Pilih jam
select language common id Pilih Bahasa
select month common id Pilih Bulan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
select multiple accounts common id Pilih beberapa akoun
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
select number common id Pilih Angka
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
select one common id Pilih satu
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
select one ... common id Pilih Satu ...
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
select percentage common id Pilih Persentasi
select priority common id Pilih Prioritas
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
select some options common id Pilih beberapa opsi
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
select state common id Pilih Provinsi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
select user common id Pilih pengguna
select work email address common id Pilih alamat email kerja
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
select year common id Pilih Tahun
selectbox common id Selectbox
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
selection common id Pemilihan
2024-11-05 20:16:00 +01:00
selection of files can only be done in one folder. %1 files unselected. common id Pemilihan file hanya dapat dilakukan dalam satu folder. %1 file tidak dipilih.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
send common id Kirim
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
send succeeded to %1 common id Pengiriman berhasil ke %1
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
senegal common id SENEGAL
september common id September
serbia common id SERBIA
server name common id Nama Server
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
set as default common id Tetapkan sbg bawaan
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
settings saved. common id Pengaturan disimpan.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
setup common id Setup
setup main menu common id Menu Utama Setup
seychelles common id SEYCHELLES
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
share common id Bagikan
share files common id Berbagi file
share link common id Bagikan tautan
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
show common id Tampilkan
show (no save) common id Tampilkan (tanpa menyimpan)
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
show all common id tampilkan semua
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
show all / cancel filter common id Tamplikan semua / batalkan saringan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
show all categorys common id Tampilkan semua kategori
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
show password common id Tampilkan kata sandi
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
show values common id Tampilkan Nilai
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
showing common id Menampilkan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
showing %1 common id menampilkan %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common id menampilkan %1 - %2 dari %3
2024-09-30 08:17:34 +02:00
show_more_apps common id Tunjukan Lebih banyak Aplikasi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
sierra leone common id SIERRA LEONE
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
sign up common id Mendaftar
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
singapore common id SINGAPURA
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
site configuration common id Konfigurasi aplikasi
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
size common id Ukuran
slovakia common id SLOVAKIA
slovenia common id SLOVENIA
solomon islands common id KEPULAUAN SOLOMON
somalia common id SOMALIA
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
sorry, your login has expired login id Maaf, login Anda telah kedaluwarsa.
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
south africa common id AFRIKA SELATAN
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common id GEORGIA SELATAN DAN KEPULAUAN SANDWICH SELATAN
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
spacing common id Spacing
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
spain common id SPANYOL
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
span common id Span
span, class common id Span, Class
2024-12-14 10:36:56 +01:00
spreadsheets common id Spreadsheet
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
sri lanka common id SRI LANKA
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
stack common id Stack
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
start a new search, cancel this link common id Memulai pencarian baru, batalkan tautan ini
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
start date common id Tanggal memulai
start time common id Jam memulai
start with common id Memulai dengan
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
starting up... common id Memulai ...
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
status common id Status
subject common id Subyek
submit common id Kirimkan
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
submit form common id Kirim formulir
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
submitbutton common id Submitbutton
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
sudan common id SUDAN
sunday common id Minggu
suriname common id SURINAME
svalbard and jan mayen common id SVALBARD DAN JAN MAYEN
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
swap common id Swap
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
swaziland common id SWAZILAND
sweden common id SWEDIA
switzerland common id SWISS
syrian arab republic common id REPUBLIK ARAB SYRIA
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
tabindex common id Tabindex
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
table properties common id Properti Tabel
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
tablename common id TableName
tabs common id Tabs
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
taiwan common id TAIWAN/TAIPEI
tajikistan common id TAJIKISTAN
tanzania, united republic of common id REPUBLIK TANZANIA
2025-01-12 10:40:51 +01:00
template common id Templat
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
template deleted common id Template dihapus
template saved common id Template disimpan
2025-01-12 10:40:51 +01:00
templates common id Templat
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
text common id Text
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
text color: common id Warna Teks:
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
textarea common id Textarea
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
thailand common id THAILAND
thursday common id Kamis
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
tiled common id Tiled
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
time common id Time
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
time zone common id Zonawaktu
time zone offset common id Offset zonawaktu
title common id Judul
to common id Kepada
2024-03-04 09:04:56 +01:00
to start the db-tools common id Untuk memulai alat bantu DB
to start the etemplate editor common id Untuk memulai editor eTemplate
to start the search common id Untuk memulai pencarian
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
today common id Hari ini
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
todays date, eg. "%1" common id Tanggal sekarang, mis. "%1"
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
togo common id TOGO
tokelau common id TOKELAU
tonga common id TONGA
2024-03-04 09:04:56 +01:00
too many rows selected.<br />select all, or less than %1 rows common id Terlalu banyak baris yang dipilih Pilih semua, atau kurang dari %1 baris
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common id Terlalu banyak percobaan gagal untuk masuk: %1 untuk pengguna '%2', %3 untuk IP %4
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
top common id Top
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
total common id Total
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
tree common id Tree
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
trinidad and tobago common id TRINIDAD DAN TOBAGO
tuesday common id Selasa
tunisia common id TUNISIA
turkey common id TURKI
turkmenistan common id TURKMENISTAN
turks and caicos islands common id KEPULAUAN TURKS DAN CAICOS
tuvalu common id TUVALU
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
type common id Type
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
uganda common id UGANDA
ukraine common id UKRANIA
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
unique common id Unique
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
united arab emirates common id UNI EMIRAT ARAB
united kingdom common id KERAJAAN INGGRIS
united states common id AMERIKA SERIKAT
united states minor outlying islands common id AMERIKA SERIKAT TANPA KEPULAUAN LUAR
unknown common id Takdikenal
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
unlink common id Batalkan tautan
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
update common id Perbarui
upload common id Unggah
url common id URL
uruguay common id URUGUAY
user common id Pengguna
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
user accounts common id Akun pengguna
user groups common id Kelompok pengguna
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
username common id Pengguna
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
users common id Pengguna
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
users choice common id Pilihan pengguna
uzbekistan common id UZBEKISTAN
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
valign common id vAlign
value common id Value
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
vanuatu common id VANUATU
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
vbox common id VBox
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
venezuela common id VENEZUELA
version common id Versi
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
video tutorials common id Tutorial Video
2024-12-14 10:36:56 +01:00
videos common id Video
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
viet nam common id VIETNAM
view common id View
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
view this etemplate common id Lihat eTemplat ini
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
virgin islands, british common id KEPULAUAN VIRGIN, INGGRIS
virgin islands, u.s. common id KEPULAUAN VIRGIN, AS.
wallis and futuna common id WALLIS AND FUTUNA
wednesday common id Rabu
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
weekend common id Akhir minggu
2010-06-09 23:11:42 +02:00
welcome common id Selamat Datang
western european common id Eropa Barat
western sahara common id SAHARA BARAT
2025-01-12 10:40:51 +01:00
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences id Ketika Anda menggabungkan entri ke dalam dokumen, entri tersebut akan disimpan di sini. Jika tidak ada folder yang disediakan, mereka akan disimpan di direktori rumah Anda (%1)
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
whole query common id Seluruh query
2016-05-06 10:31:26 +02:00
width common id Width
width, disabled common id Width, Disabled
wk common id Mg
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
work email common id E-Mail kerja
working days common id Hari kerja
2016-05-06 10:31:26 +02:00
write <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php common id Tulis <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php
write langfile common id Tulis berkas bahasa
write tables common id Tulis tabel
writes a 'etemplates.inc.php' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of the app common id tulis berkas 'etemplates.inc.php' (sesuai Nama aplikasi) pada direktori setup dari aplikasi
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
writing common id Menulis
written by: common id Ditulis oleh:
2024-01-25 09:53:18 +01:00
xml-file to import common id Berkas xml untuk impor
2016-05-06 10:31:26 +02:00
xslt template common id Templat XSLT
year common id Tahun
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
yemen common id YAMAN
yes common id Ya
yes - delete common id Ya - Hapus
yes - delete including sub-entries common id Ya - Hapus berikut sub-entrinya
2016-05-06 10:31:26 +02:00
you can respond by visiting: common id Untuk melihatnya, kunjungi:
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common id Anda mencoba Aplikasi EGroupware: %1, namun anda tidak memiliki ijin untuk mengakses aplikasi ini!
2023-10-18 16:41:38 +02:00
your account has been updated with new data from your identity provider. common id Akun Anda telah diperbarui dengan data baru dari penyedia identitas Anda.
your browser is not up-to-date (javascript es6 compatible), you may experience some of the features not working. common id Browser Anda tidak mutakhir (kompatibel dengan JavaScript ES6), Anda mungkin mengalami beberapa fitur yang tidak berfungsi.
your key has been restored successfully. common id Kunci Anda telah berhasil dipulihkan.
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common id Pesan anda <b>tidak</b> dapat dikirimkan!<br>
2024-06-24 10:18:29 +02:00
your message has been sent common id Pesan telah terkirim.
2023-02-17 15:48:17 +01:00
your password does not have required strength of %1 character classes and minimum length of %2 characters. common id Kata sandi Anda tidak memiliki kekuatan yang disyaratkan yaitu kelas karakter %1 dan panjang minimum %2 karakter.
your password does not have required strength: common id Kata sandi Anda tidak memiliki kekuatan yang disyaratkan:
your password failed the following criteria: common id Kata sandi Anda tidak memenuhi kriteria berikut:
your password is about to expire in %1 days, you may change your password now common id Kata sandi Anda akan kedaluwarsa dalam %1 hari, Anda dapat mengubah kata sandi sekarang.
your password might not match the password policy. common id Kata sandi Anda mungkin tidak sesuai dengan kebijakan kata sandi.
your session timed out, please log in again login id Sesi Anda telah habis, silakan masuk lagi.
2023-02-09 16:18:01 +01:00
zambia common id ZAMBIA
zimbabwe common id ZIMBABWE
zoom common id Zoom