- check and give error message if perms could not be changed
- added sudo feature to file preferences allowing to get VFS root access
+ setup config user/password can always be used
+ further eGW users can be configured in setup >> configuration
--> allows eg. to create free folders in the vfs root
--> should be used with caution and respect to users privacy
- added file preferences icon to opened directory (eg. for the root dir)
+ path with clickable components
+ human readable size, mode, ...
+ mime icon with integrated thumbnail creation
- link widget uses now vfs-mime for it's icons
- thumbnail creation is now switched on with size 32px by default, it can
be switched of by the admin or user, in doing so explicitly
- mime-icons are moved from filemanager to etemplate, as not everyone
installs filemanager
- filemanager has now 3 display modi:
+ Current directory (with subdirs always on top)
+ Subdirs sorted in
+ Files from subdirs (shows recursive all files and you
can click on the path components thanks to new vfs widget)
- more descriptiv labes in sidebox:
+ Your home directory
+ Home directories
+ Base directory
- make some phrases translatable and use placeholders instead of
concating partial phrases with the variable content
-added missing? language strings
-translated new and missing? language strings to german
-fiddeled with the settings for yes/no select box to show the preset values for the users setting, if preset by admin
#filemanager supports the configuration of a different startfolder (other than users home directory)
#preferences for filemanager
-define links to folders, that show in sidebox menu
-specify the display characteristics in filelisting (default (all sorted), or forced folders first)
#configuration options for filemanager
-you may specify how many links to folders can be configured in filemanagers preferences
YOU HAVE TO RUN Search and Register Hooks of all Applications, and you may have to login/logout.
- dropped all old code, images and translations
- the former comments are savely stored in the sqlfs table, but are currently not available via the GUI
and start with a search for all objects that are created since the day before. This is not committed into 1.4. If you think this feature is of
any help for 1.4 too, let us know.
translation file (only those not translated in simplified Chinese).
This is because
1) most simplified Chinese readers can read traditional
Chinese. If some phrase doesn't have simplified Chinese translation,
egroupware better fall back to traditional Chinese then English.
2) Translation can be easier (just pick up the unfamiliar traditional
translation and change to simplified form)
The change is made by using
> find . -type d -name "setup" -exec /tmp/merge_tradition.sh {} \;
where merge_tradition.sh is:
cd $1
if [ -f phpgw_zh.lang ] && [ -f phpgw_zt.lang ]; then
mv phpgw_zh.lang phpgw_zh.lang.old
join -a 1 -t " " phpgw_zt.lang phpgw_zh.lang.old | \
awk -F " " \
'{ OFS = FS; if (NF == 7) print $1, $5, $6, $7; else print $0 ;}' \
> phpgw_zh.lang
Kiang if you like the idea you can merge my translation to your lang
file too. And it's even better if the language engine can be changed in
the way that, as a phrase has no translation for current language,
choose the nearest language before falling back to English. Say, when no
translation in zh, use zt before trying English.
Could it be better that this apply to pt too? (pt-br and pt)
Translation of Traditional Chinese in UTF-8 version
I've tested it with the version RC5. Somebody in taiwan
who offered a series of functions to convert the
encoding from big5 to utf-8. It works fine~ Should I also
upload it for anyone who would like to understand the
big5 encoding??